One of our engineers developed a patch for HttpClient which allows a callback 
handler to be registered with an HttpClient instance.  A registered handler 
could prompt the user for username/password.  When a handler isn't 
registered, the HttpClient works as it does now.


On Monday 29 September 2003 12:54 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I've been working with HttpClient for the past few days and have it just
> about working to my liking.  I must say I really like how it's designed!
> However there's one bit that still bugs me...authentication of proxy and
> web servers (response codes 401 and 407).  Basically, what I'd like to do
> is prompt the user for the username/password when I get this response.
> What I've done for the moment is to subclass HttpState and override
> getCredentials and getProxyCredentials such that they prompt the user for
> the username and password if I don't already have credentials defined for
> the realm/host combination.  This seems to work just fine except for NTLM
> authentication.  This is because getCredentials doesn't know what scheme is
> being used when the request is made.  So I don't know if I should display a
> text field for domain or not.  I also don't know if I should be creating
> UsernamePasswordCredentials or NTCredentials.
> So my question is this:  Is there a better way to go about this?  Is there
> something that could be added to HttpClient to support what I want to do?
> Perhaps an interface AuthorizationPrompter (or whatever) that can be
> registered with one of the library classes? (HttpClient? HttpState?)  Or
> perhaps something I could subclass and override?
> Thanks!
> David
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