> Was there any significant overhead in using the 1.1 counterparts?  

I did not do any performance measurements. Anyways, running on JVM 1.1 one can expect 
quite a bit of a performance degradation compared to newer JVMs.

> Vector and  Hashtable are both synchronized which might be a performance 
> problem if they're used often.  I don't know the internals of 
> HttpClient, so I can't say how often they're used. 

They are used a lot. Synchronized access will undoubtedly will have an impact.

>  The com.sun classes 
> are no issue for us, as we ship with them anyway... but I agree that a 
> generic Java 1.1 HttpClient should probably not have the reliance. 

If we ever decide to make the JRE 1.1 port publicly available, we should make a 
reasonable effort not to make it SUN specific. 


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