Maarten Bodewes wrote:
As HTTP is actually a layer on top of TCP/IP sockets, would it not be better to be able to provide the HttpClient / HttpConnection with a socket, or even with an input- and output stream when it is created? There seems to be no way to create an HTTP session with a socket as parameter.

Otherwise, dynamic class loading could be used to return a specific / configurable SSL or plain socket implementation instead of the ones provided with this project.

Maarten, I don't agree. HttpClient wants to completely hide away the connection management from the user. This is successfully accomplished by using a custom SocketFactory.

PS I've changed and provided my own SocketFactory as was described in the above guide. Just to make sure: I do not need to donate any software to the apache foundation for doing this, don't I? Not that it would be helpful - it's very JCA provider and project specific.

There should be no need to tweak You can always register a custom SocketFactory with the default protocols.

If you have modified any HttpClient library classes you must provide the source code of your changes in addition to the binary distribution of your product. There is no need to send that code to the Apache Foundation though.

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