
i'm working on a so called ProxyServlet which uses the Information provided by the ServletContainer to deliver the Requests to another Web-Server.
At present, i'm using the HttpMethod-Objects (GetMethod, PutMethod, ...) and HttpClient.execute() to deliver the Requests to the other Web-Server.

I hope you can provide me with some sollutions to the following Problems:

- I like to maintain one "Cookie-Container" for each Session (Session = Session-Object offered by the Servlet-Container)
- I like my Servlet to be Thread-safe and be abled to deliver many (unlimited) requests at a time
- I tried to avoid the Content-Length Header in POST requests by using Chunked Transfer-Encoding, but the Apache-Server i'm using for testing seems to deny chunked POST-requests.

Well, how's cookie-management done in Commons-HttpClient? Does each HttpClient-Object maintain it's own "Cookie-Container"? HttpClient.execute() doesn't seem to be thread-safe.
I like chunked Transfer-Encoding since is more like a stream and not like that huge block of data that's usually used (content-length header etc.) Are chunked POST-Requests not allowed? Well, i'm setting the content-length header right now if it is provided to the servlet. So that's a big proble, but i'm just curious.


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