Thanks for the reply, Mike. Is there any interest in a feature that would close connections that have been unused for a certain amount of time? I imagine the easiest way to implement this would be to just add some settable parameters (set/getCloseConnectionTime) to MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager along with another Thread that will occasionally iterate through the list of 'freeConnections' in the 'connectionPool', checking an amount of time has lapsed since the connection was last marked as free. HttpConnection (or HttpConnectionAdapater, since this feature would only be in MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager) could have a new value added to it that stores the most recent time it was released. Note that this would all rely on the user correctly calling 'releaseConnection', but that's essentially a requirement already anyway. If people are interested in such a feature, I would be more than willing to write up such a patch (as I will probably be doing it for the version LimeWire uses anyway).


Michael Becke wrote:

Hi Sam,

HttpClient does not do any active connection reclaiming, except when the resources are reused. In the case of the SimpleHttpConnectionManager the connection is never closed/reopened unless it is required for a new method execution. The case for MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager is similar though a little more complicated. It keeps a pool of connections with a per-host and total connection limit. Again these connections are never closed until a request for a new connection warrants it.


On Nov 13, 2003, at 4:10 PM, Sam Berlin wrote:

Hi All,

I'd like to clarify a point about HttpClient that I do not fully understand. How/when does the actual connection to a server close? I understand that MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager (and possibly SimpleConnectionManager as well) will keep the connection alive and reuse it for subsequent HTTP requests. Is there a way to set a limit on how long the connection should be kept alive before waiting for a subsequent request to reuse that connection?


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