Christian, see my comments in-line
> In my opinion, "strict" mode should be very pedantic about standards compliance.
> HttpClient should notify the user wherever a problematic, non-standards
> situation is detected.

I do not mind being over-pedantic, but not at the expense of code
quality. My personal impression was that throwing a protocol exception
from responseConsumed required too much of an ugly plumbing. I believe
that a big fat log warning should be enough. A protocol exception thrown
from responseConsumed would not make HttpClient more reliable (dirty
connection would be dropped, anyway), it would just make it, well, more
pedantic. That is it.

> Of course, trailing whitespace should be silently ignored, but any other
> characters should be regarded as "unexpected" (is there a section in RFC 2616
> for that? I haven't found it yet).

This is what RFC has to say:
In the interest of robustness, servers SHOULD ignore any empty line(s)
received where a Request-Line is expected. In other words, if the server
is reading the protocol stream at the beginning of a message and
receives a CRLF first, it should ignore the CRLF.

I have not found any mentioning of "unexpected content" in the RFC, so
this is another reason why I would be a bit cautious about throwing a
protocol exception. It would suffice to spit out a warning, drop the
connection and move on.

Folks, any strong options on this issue

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