
Do you remember why this ugly code was introduced?

if (canResponseHaveBody(statusLine.getStatusCode())) {
Header connectionHeader = responseHeaders.getFirstHeader("Connection");
String connectionDirective = null;
if (connectionHeader != null) {
connectionDirective = connectionHeader.getValue();
if (!"close".equalsIgnoreCase(connectionDirective)) {
LOG.warn("Response content length is not known");
result = is;

I would rather call shouldCloseConnection and if that returns false we still must check for chunked transfer encoding. If no chunks are used *only then* we need to forcibly close the connection.



up to now I used RC1 without problems. After switching to RC2 I get
thousands of log entries "Response content length is not known" (WARNING).
This log entry seems to be created because the server does not send the http
header "content-length" within the response. But is he obliged to do so? I
think he is not, isn't he?
I switched back to RC1 and do not get any log entries of this type.
But what I think, is: if existence of header content-length is not mandatory
there should only be created a log entry with log level TRACE instead of
WARN, shouldn't it?
Klaus Kopruch

Klaus Kopruch
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