I am making a request from HttpClient and the request gets redirected to another port on the same host in order for Siteminder to set the authentication cookie. I am getting the followinf message:
Dec 8, 2003 1:47:05 PM org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase processRedirectResponse WARNING: Redirect from port 443 to 6890 is not supported While I totally understand the message and that what I want to do is unsupported, I would like to know if support for this is in progress but not included in the 2.0 rc2 build, or if these is a particular reason why this is not supported? Unless there is some underlying difficulty that I dont forsee, I would be happy to get started on this functionality for the HttpClient. Thanks. -- Sincerely, David Webb Vice-President Hurff-Webb, Inc. http://www.hurff-webb.com (904) 861-2366 (904) 534-8294 Mobile --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]