
You can monitor the following bug report in order to track the progress
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On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 19:45, Stéphane Houle wrote:
> Thank you Oleg & Mark for your help!!!
> I'll write a workaround FilePart that do not convert the filename to 
> us-ascii!!! 
> Oleg:
> if you fix the problem, can you send an email to me or to the mailing 
> list please!  Thanks!
> Steph
> Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
> >>Is it a requirement that Disposition Header be in ASCII?
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >Yep. See RFC2183 <> and RFC1521
> ><> for details
> >
> ><quote>
> >  Current [RFC 2045] grammar restricts parameter values (and hence
> >   Content-Disposition filenames) to US-ASCII.  We recognize the great
> >   desirability of allowing arbitrary character sets in filenames, but
> >   it is beyond the scope of this document to define the necessary
> >   mechanisms.  We expect that the basic [RFC 1521] `value'
> >   specification will someday be amended to allow use of non-US-ASCII
> >   characters, at which time the same mechanism should be used in the
> >   Content-Disposition filename parameter.
> >
> ></quote>
> >
> >PS: As soon as I have a breathing moment I may contribute
> >quote-printable codec to Commons-codec, which would allow us to take
> >care of the problem
> >
> >Cheers
> >
> >Oleg
> >
> >  
> >
> >>-Mark
> >>
> >>Stéphane Houle wrote:
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >>>Hi everyone,
> >>>
> >>>I'm very sorry to send an email directly to all of you but I saw your 
> >>>emails in the MultipartPostMethod source code in HttpClient 2.0 RC2.  
> >>>Maybe you can or cannot answer to my question, if not, do you know a 
> >>>mailing list or a person how can answer to my question ??
> >>>
> >>>Here's my question:
> >>>
> >>>I'm using MultipartPostMethod to send a file, everything works well but 
> >>>when the filename contains French character like "é", the character is 
> >>>always converted to ?.  I though it was the encoding that was setted to 
> >>>US-ASCII or something like that but no, the encoding is setted to 
> >>>ISO-8859-1.  I tried all sort to method to send the file:
> >>>
> >>>- set the File object
> >>>- set the File object with the filename
> >>>- set a FilePart
> >>>- set a FilePart with a FilePartSource
> >>>
> >>>Nothing works, here is a little dump of my Part:
> >>>
> >>>FILE: /home/lhoule/dev/ac-httpClient-1.0/fileTest/toté.mp3
> >>>PART 0: ISO-8859-1
> >>>PART 0: binary
> >>>PART 0: application/octet-stream
> >>>PART 0: file
> >>>PART 0: ----------------314159265358979323846
> >>>
> >>>I don't know what I can do...  I try to search the web for a solution or 
> >>>in jakarta website...  Nothing...  Did you ever have this kind of 
> >>>problem??  Or maybe I don't use the MultipartPostMethod correctly to 
> >>>support French character??
> >>>
> >>>Any clue?
> >>>
> >>>Thank you very much and sorry again to send an email directly to all of you!
> >>>
> >>>Steph
> >>>      
> >>>
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >

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