> If you try and think this through carefully,
you will see that the term 
"in the context of" will inadvertly lead to
ambiguities. What about 
images referenced by the document, how must they
be resolved? What about 
links to other domains, do we still have to use
the "proxy" or can we 
just reach them directly?

> Please for the sake of the architecture of your
application, do not 
blindly relay content to the client.  The Http
Proxy standard was 
specifically made for that purpose. So do not
believe you can do better 
- you will fail terribly.

Ok, well I definitely won't pursue the blind
route.  How would an HTTP Proxy behave in this
situation?  Surely it wouldn't parse out HTML. 
Also, not that this matters, but there will never
be images or links, just the relative url in the
action form tag.  

I have also considered the case that this
situation has no elegant answer.  If so, I will
let this die. - 

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