About my investigation ...

At the line 109 of org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpParser, i'm waiting
45s for ending of ch = inputStream.read() ... So, it seems it's
independent of HttpClient ... But that I don't understand is that the
server do not received anything the 40 first seconds. So, why us
HttpClient or my computer waiting 40s before sending request only when
Jboss is active ? I don't know. Is the send metho of HttpClient multi
threaded ? I will look now in this direction, by at this time, I have no
idea where is the probleme :(

It's not from log metho because isDebugEnabled return false.

I will continue and give you some news soon (I hope).


> Make sure you use HTTP_CLIENT_2_0_BRANCH tag when checking the source
> code out. CVS HEAD contains development version (pre 3.0-alpha) which is
> no longer API compatible with 2.0
> Keep us posted on the progress of your investigation
> Oleg
> On Mon, 2004-01-26 at 00:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Client side :
>> 2004/01/25 17:40:21:346 EST [DEBUG] EntityEnclosingMethod - -Request
>> body
>> sent
>> 2004/01/25 17:41:20:467 EST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]"
>> Server side :
>> 17:41:19,113 INFO  [STDOUT] Here !
>> I have synchro my both machine with ntpdate ...
>> I have try with setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled(true); and
>> setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled(false); but it's not working any more.
>> Here are my log levels (int $JBOSSHOME/server/all/conf/log4j.xml) :
>>    <category name="org.apache.commons">
>>       <priority value="ERROR"/>
>>    </category>
>>    <category name="org.apache.jcs">
>>       <priority value="INFO"/>
>>    </category>
>>    <!-- Limit JBoss categories to INFO -->
>>    <category name="org.jboss">
>>      <priority value="INFO"/>
>>    </category>
>> And all my log files was empty.
>> I think I will take the src files of HttpClient from CVS and try to
>> trace
>> into what's wrong with my configuration :(
>> JMS.
>> > Jean-Marc,
>> > At the moment I tend to think that the problem seems to be on the
>> > server-side. See if JBoss' logs can reveal anything useful.
>> >
>> > Another thing to try is disabling stale connection check
>> >
>> > SimpleHttpConnectionManager connman = new
>> SimpleHttpConnectionManager();
>> > connman.setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled(true);
>> > HttpClient client = new HttpClient(connman);
>> >
>> > http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/apidocs/org/apache/commons/httpclient/HttpConnection.html#setStaleCheckingEnabled(boolean)
>> >
>> > See if that makes any difference in terms of performance
>> >
>> > Oleg

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