Hello Martin, Oleg,

On Jan 31, 2004, at 7:01 PM, Martin Cooper wrote:

Moving out of Commons and up to your own Jakarta project is internal to
Jakarta, so what I would suggest is this:

1) Discuss it and make sure you have agreement within the HttpClient
community. You probably should have a vote at some point, unless it's
apparent from the outset that everyone is in favour.

2) Write up a proposal, and send it to the Jakarta PMC. It might also be a
good idea to CC the commons-dev list, to let the folks there know what's
going on. I doubt very much that there will be any dissent on the PMC,
since at that point it will be a community decision.

3) Once the PMC is happy, we can get you set up as your own Jakarta
project. There are folks on the PMC who should be able to take care of
most, if not all, of the details. Anything else you can collate into a
list to send to infrastructure@ at that point.

These sound like a reasonable set of steps. Let's start this discussion on httpclient dev and see if the HttpClient community is ready to make the move.

I think the concept of a project lead is peculiar to the HttpClient
component. (IIRC, it was introduced by Jeff Dever quite some time ago,
and I guess it stuck.) Obviously, if that's how you'd like to handle it,
that's fine with me. ;-) I would assume that Michael is on the PMC, but if
not, then you'll need your PMC members to handle any discussion on that

Though I am considered the HttpClient project lead, this mostly just means that I handle the releases. HttpClient is still managed via consensus. As far as the PMC goes, I am not a member. I do not know if any of the other regular HttpClient committers are either. We may need someone to represent us, if the time comes.


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