
I am using IIS/ServletExec 4.1.1. Yes, works fine with Tomcat 4.1.

I use jdk1.4.1_01, Windows 2000.

Here is a snippet.

      HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
      PostMethod post = new PostMethod(postingUrl);


Data sent is of the following form:

"success=true&resp_code=0&id=2333&payamt=22&payer_ name=whatever"

      I added these parameters using
      post.addParameter("success", "true");
      and so on.

int responseCode = client.executeMethod(post);


Pretty much straightforward! Works with Tomcat and nicely listens to posting Url.

Have not exactly figured out how to use the logwire yet!

Hope this helps to clarify further.


At 04:58 PM 2/2/2004, you wrote:
What web server/servlet engine are you targeting? Do I understand you
right that Tomcat 4.1 does not exhibit the problem. I think the best
thing you can do is the send us the wirelog of the HTTP session in
question. We might be able to pinpoint the problem if we get to see what
data is transmitted across the wire


More details about your execution environment (both server- and
client-side) may also help: HttpClient version, JVM version, OS, etc


On Mon, 2004-02-02 at 23:41, Ram Iyer wrote:
> Hi Oleg:
> Thanks. However, the problem is, I never come out of
> client.executeMethod(post). I probably did not make that clear.
> Everything is hung!
> I added
> post.setUseExpectHeader(true);
> so that I don't have to see the error. (which does what you suggested).
> But, that would not change the fact that it never returns from
> executeMethod (and I did not expect it to.).
> It seems to be just fine in Tomcat 4.1 making me wonder if there is a
> compatibility issue.
> Any suggestion?
> Thanks
> Ram
> At 04:06 PM 2/2/2004, you wrote:
> >Ram,
> >This is not an error, it is merely an info message. A well-behaving
> >(which HttpClient tries to be) is supposed to discard
> >extraneous/unexpected 100-continue messages. What you see here is
> >exactly that: HttpClient detects what appears to be an unexpected
> >100-continue response and discards it after logging an info message
> >
> >If you do not want to see info messages, simply set the logger's
> >verbosity to WARN or ERROR, or turn the logging off altogether.
> >
> >Oleg
> >
> >
> >On Mon, 2004-02-02 at 21:04, Ram Iyer wrote:
> > > Hello:
> > >
> > > I am getting the following error when I use httpClient.
> > >
> > > org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase readResponse
> > > INFO: Discarding unexpected response: HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
> > >
> > > I tried several things suggested by the website for similar problems
> > > elsewhere. However, nothing has worked so far.
> > >
> > > e.g:
> > > PostMethod post = new PostMethod(postingUrl);
> > > post.setHttp11(false);
> > > post.setUseExpectHeader(true);
> > >
> > > I have also tried to get the new version of httpClient, but no go!
> > >
> > > The irony is, everything is fine and dandy with Tomcat 4.1.
> > >
> > > Any suggestions? Any help is greatly appreciated.
> > >
> > > Ram
> > >
> > > ---
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