Hi ...

Apologies for the lack of an introduction.  My name is Mike Coffey (if you
didn't already catch that part) and I'm currently working at CMP Media on a
website project.  CMP is a publishing company (we publish DDJ, Information Week,
etc. -- a bunch of technology magazines, as well as some in other fields).  The
project that we're working on is to standardize our website infrastructure (over
100 sites) onto a common Java platform.  Me personally -- I've been working with
Java for a couple of years (formerly from a software company called ATG), but am
now more of a technical project manager.

You can quickly see the need for us to do HTTP type content grabs from other
feed/content syndication sources.  We turned to the project here because why
build something that's already done well...

I really appreciate your feedback in the e-mail.  Interestingly enough,
sometimes we see the timeouts work appropriately and sometimes the thread the
thread hangs indefinitely....figures it's one of "those" problems...sigh !

1. We will update to the latest CVS branch, this is something I had in progress
anyway given the problems we're seeing.

2. Setting it very low does produce accurate timeouts (at least in development a
few months back) -- I will retest.

3. No SSL here....unfortunately, although this issue is probably significantly
alleviated in 1.4 or higher, we're on a commercial app server that isn't
supporing 1.4 for a few months.

4. See above :)

Thank you again, I really appreciate the info., it's an issue that does seem a
little odd to me, was hoping that someone had seen something similar.

Mike Coffey
Phone: 781-839-1227

                      "Kalnichevski, Oleg"                                             
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      "Commons HttpClient Project" 
                      gpoint.com>                       cc:                            
                      02/13/2004 09:22 AM               Subject: RE: Question on 
                      Please respond to                                                
                      "Commons HttpClient                                              

Hi there,

Timeout settings in your code appear correct. Basically socket reads _should_
timeout, provided the value of transferTimeout is sane. For the lack of better
ideas I can only recommend you:

(1) upgrade to 2.0rc3 release. Better yet, upgrade to the latest CVS
HTTPCLIENT_2_0_BRANCH snapshot (which is quite likely to be the 2.0 final).
We've just recently fixed a minor bug with socket timeouts in persistent
connections. I do not think you are affected by this bug, but just to be on the
safe side

(2) Try setting timeout to a ridiculously low value just to see whether read
timeouts work at all in your environment.

(3) Give JVM 1.4.2 a shot to see if that makes any difference (especially if you
are using SSL. Older JSSE implementations seem to have an issue with socket

(4) Please introduce yourself. I kind of dislike 'hi there' greetings ;-)


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 15:06
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: Question on Timeouts


Thank you for your e-mail...I'm confused a bit, though, as you said:

Try specifying an SO_TIMEOUT in milliseconds via HttpClient.setTimeOut()

But, we're already doing this, no?

>         client.setTimeout (transferTimeout * 1000);

And we're still seeing threads hung indefinitely in socketRead.....now, someone
else responded saying that I should also include this:

HttpClient().getHostConfiguration().setHost(HOSTNAME, 80,"http" );
where hostname is something like that "www.blabla.com"

I'm going to try that, but any other thoughts on why this is hanging


                      "Jesus M. Salvo

                      Jr."                     To:      Commons HttpClient
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         cc:

                      asia.com>                bcc:

                                               Subject: Re: Question on Timeouts

                      02/12/2004 08:20


                      Please respond

                      to "Commons




>I'm using your product for an application that we're building (that fetches
>HTTP content) and I'm running into an issue where it isn't timing out
< ..snip...>

>----------This is how we're connecting -----------------
>         HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
>         client.setConnectionTimeout (connectionTimeout * 1000);
>         client.setTimeout (transferTimeout * 1000);
>         HttpMethod method = new GetMethod(url);
>try {
>         statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);
>      }
Try specifying an SO_TIMEOUT in milliseconds via HttpClient.setTimeOut()
Otherwise, it will default to whatever is the default SO_TIMEOUT on your

BTW, does anyone have a compilation / list of the defautl SO_TIMEOUT
values for each platform ?

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