I've seen a couple of threads here about detecting proxy settings in applets
(ex: http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/ReadMsg?listId=128&msgNo=1884). In
case this helps someone out, Sun actually provided an API in 1.4 to let you
hook into the plugin's proxy detection logic. The code looks like this:

//  Look around for the 1.4.X plugin proxy detection class... Without it,
cannot autodetect...
Class t = Class.forName("com.sun.java.browser.net.ProxyService");
com.sun.java.browser.net.ProxyInfo[] pi =
if (pi == null || pi.length == 0) {
    System.out.println("1.4.X reported NULL proxy (no proxy assumed)"); 
    useProxy = false;

This code is from a post in the Sun forums:

I've done a small amount of testing and it appears to work. It even parses
proxy.pac files correctly. 


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