Hello Michael,

I hope this mail is still readable once it is converted
to text-only format...

> Fuel to this fire, I think, is fine.  Why not talk it out?

Primarily because this mailing list is not for legal discussion,
and we'll never ever "talk it out". You are a lawyer, most of us
are not. Your views are founded in your knowledge of the law of
the country you work in, while ours are based on news reports
about seemingly nonsensical lawsuits filed in the US. You can't
convince us because we don't have the background knowledge to
verify your arguments.
For my part, I believe that there will always be at least one
lawyer that represents the opposite of your views, if paid enough
money. That's why it takes judges to make verdicts, right?

> >    * Based on what I've read,
> Would you spell out "what [you've] read" to make you think this?  What 
> of allegations?  What kind of analysis of code?  How does this relate to 

> ASF?  You are too dark here.  Let us know what you actually are 

www.groklaw.net should be a good starting point. I remember that one
example of "stolen code" involves indentical comments that go back
to a common code base from which both, the proprietary and the open
source software, got the same code. Or something like that.


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