
I have read the notes on the bug in Httpclient V2.0 to do with
using Basic Authentication with a HTTPS Url through a proxy.

One workaround proposed is to use preemptive authentication.

Are the credentials i.e. username, password sent unencrypted to the
target server when Preemptive Authentication is used even through the URL is
a https URL.

There are some notes about a PATCH being available for this problem.
If so, how do I get it - I am currently using HttpCLient V2.0. Can
this version be patched to fix the problem or must I move to a newer
version of httpclient to avail of the patch.

thanks for any help,

John Melody
SyberNet Ltd.
Galway Business Park,
Tel. No. +353 91 514400
Fax. NO. +353 91 514409
Mobile - 087-2345847

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