> Apparently we're not allowed to fire the legal
> department.

How about beating them up? ;-)

I am afraid no one of us, the HttpClient developers, is qualified to answer this 
question. I suggest that you forward your inquiry to [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you do not 
get a answer in a timely manner, please get back to you. We'll try to use the internal 
Apache channels to clarify this issue for you


-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce McHaffie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 17:17
To: 'Commons HttpClient Project'
Subject: Apache license, httpclient, and applets

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post. I'd like to use HttpClient in an
applet as part of a product feature for the company I work for. The legal
department though is stuck on the provision in the Apache license that says
we have to "...give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a
copy of this License".

Since this is an applet there's no client-side distribution to speak of so
legal is not sure how to get the license to the end user. I'm not even sure
the provision makes sense in an applet/browser environment. Any suggestions
on how to approach this? Apparently we're not allowed to fire the legal


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