
(1) What's the reason for using HTTP/1.0 if the target server is clearly
capable of doing HTTP/1.1?

> 18:04:53 DEBUG [Thread-17] - >> "POST /WS/AgentLibrary.asp
> HTTP/1.0[\r][\n]"

(2) Are you executing HTTP requests using multiple threads by any

(3) 'Socket closed' IO exception is usually caused when the target
server drops connection on the unsuspecting HttpClient while it is still
in the process of sending request or reading response. The problem you
have been experiencing in fact _may_ well be on the server side. If you
have access to the target server you may want to examine the server

In your case the connection to the server gets dropped as soon as
HttpClient is done sending the request body (to be more precise while
flushing the output buffer). That makes me believe that the server is
the most likely culprit, not HttpClient


On Thu, 2004-05-13 at 00:09, Preygel, Sofya wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Here is the code:
>       PostMethod post = new PostMethod(m_URL);
>       post.setHttp11(false);
>       post.setRequestHeader("Content-Length",
> Integer.toString(payload.toString().length()));
>       post.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/xml;charset=utf-8");
>       post.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/xml;
> charset=ISO-8859-1");
>       post.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction",
> ""; + action);
>       post.setRequestContentLength(payload.toString().length());
>       post.setRequestBody(payload.toString());
>       // Log the request (debug mode only)
>       try
>       {
>          m_logger.debug("*** Request: " +
> post.getRequestBodyAsString());
>       }
>       catch (Exception e)
>       {
>       }
>       // Create an instance of HttpClient
>       HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient();
>       // Set the connection and socket timeouts
>       int requestTimeout = m_socketTimeoutInMillis;
>       httpclient.setConnectionTimeout(m_connTimeoutInMillis);
>       httpclient.setTimeout(requestTimeout);
> ("Setting HTTP timeouts: connection to " +
> m_connTimeoutInMillis + 
>                      " millis., socket to " + requestTimeout + "
> millis.");
>       // Execute the request
>       int statusCode = -1;
>       for (int attempt = 1; statusCode == -1 && attempt <=
> m_executeRetries; attempt++)
>       {
>          try
>          {
>             statusCode = httpclient.executeMethod(post);
>          }
>          catch (HttpRecoverableException e)
>          {
>              m_logger.debug("Recoverable exception occurred while
> executing the " +
>                            "get data request: " + e.getMessage() + "
> (attempt " +
>                            attempt + " out of " + m_executeRetries +
> ").");
>             if
> (e.getMessage().startsWith(" Read timed
> out"))
>             {
>                // Increase the timeout for this request
>                requestTimeout = requestTimeout * 2;
>                m_logger.debug("Increasing the request timeout to " +
> requestTimeout +
>                               " millis.");
>                httpclient.setTimeout(requestTimeout);
>             }
>          }
>          catch (IOException e)
>          {
>             m_logger.error("I/O error sending the get data request: " +
> action + "'. ", e);                         
>             post.releaseConnection();
>             PBFException ex = new PBFException("I/O error sending the
> get data request.");
>             throw ex;
>          }
>       }
>       // Check if the request succeeded or we just ran out of retry
> attempts
>       if (statusCode == -1)
>       {
>          // Request failed. Log the exception, release the connection
> and
>          // throw an exception
>          m_logger.error("Get data request failed. Unable to recover from
> the HTTP " +
>                         "recoverable exception after " +
> m_executeRetries + " retries.");
>          post.releaseConnection();
>          PBFException ex =
>             new PBFException("Unable to recover from the HTTP
> recoverable exception after " +
>                              m_executeRetries + " retries.");
>          throw ex;
>       }
>       // Request succeeded, get the response )
>       StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer();
>       try
>       {
>          InputStream is = post.getResponseBodyAsStream();
>          if (is != null)
>          {
>             ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
>             byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
>             int len;
>             while ((len = > 0)
>             {
>                 os.write(buffer, 0, len);
>             }
>             os.close();
>             String response = os.toString();
>             retval = new StringBuffer(response);
>             // Log the response (debug mode only)
>             if (m_logger.isDebugEnabled() && m_logSOAPCommsFlag)
>             {
>                m_logger.debug("*** Response: " + decode(response));
>             }
>          }
>          else
>          {
>              // Shall see if this ever happens... if yes, will throw an
> exception
>              m_logger.error("No data received (getResponseBodyAsStream()
> is null).");
>          }
>       }
>       catch (IOException e)
>       {
>          m_logger.error("I/O error receiving the get data response: " +
> action + "'. ", e);
>          PBFException ex = new PBFException("I/O error receiving the get
> data response.");
>          throw ex;
>       }
>       finally
>       {
>          // Release the current connection to the connection pool
>          post.releaseConnection();         
>       }
> Here are the request headers:
> 18:04:53 DEBUG [Thread-17] - >> "POST /WS/AgentLibrary.asp
> HTTP/1.0[\r][\n]"
> 18:04:53 DEBUG [Thread-17] - >> "Content-Length: 868[\r][\n]"
> 18:04:53 DEBUG [Thread-17] - >> "Content-type: text/xml;
> charset=ISO-8859-1[\r][\n]"
> 18:04:53 DEBUG [Thread-17] - >> "SOAPAction:
> 18:04:53 DEBUG [Thread-17] - >> "User-Agent: Jakarta
> Commons-HttpClient/2.0final[\r][\n]"
> 18:04:53 DEBUG [Thread-17] - >> "Host: dcgate1[\r][\n]"
> 18:04:53 DEBUG [Thread-17] - >> "[\r][\n]"
> And this are the response headers:
> 18:06:14 DEBUG [Thread-17] - << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]"
> 18:06:14 DEBUG [Thread-17] - << "Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0[\r][\n]"
> 18:06:14 DEBUG [Thread-17] - << "Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 10:04:57
> GMT[\r][\n]"
> 18:06:14 DEBUG [Thread-17] - << "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]"
> 18:06:14 DEBUG [Thread-17] - << "Content-Length: 45036[\r][\n]"
> 18:06:14 DEBUG [Thread-17] - << "Content-Type: text/xml;
> charset="UTF-8"[\r][\n]"
> 18:06:14 DEBUG [Thread-17] - << "Set-Cookie:
> 18:06:14 DEBUG [Thread-17] - << "Cache-control: private[\r][\n]"
> I wonder if the HTTP version mismatch may have something to do with the
> problem...
> Thank you for helping out!
> Sofya
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Becke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:37 PM
> To: Commons HttpClient Project
> Subject: Re: 'Socket closed' exception using
> Hi Sofya,
> There are a couple of possibilities, but it sounds like you are 
> experiencing some connection management issues.  If you could, please 
> send some sample code showing how you are using HttpClient, as well as a
> wire log <> 
> (just the headers please).
> Mike
> Preygel, Sofya wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > We are trying to use HTTPClient.execute(PostMethod) for sending SOAP 
> > requests to Connotate's Web Mining Server (WMS). The requests are sent
> > every 1 minute, and in most cases everything works fine. However, 
> > every so often (sometimes way too often!) we are getting the 'Socket 
> > closed' exception. The socket timeout was initially set to 10 seconds 
> > (10000 millis), but even after I set it to 120 seconds (120000 
> > millis), we are still seeing it happening quite often. I tried to use 
> > both the
> > getResponseBodyAsString() and getResponseBodyAsStream() to retrieve
> the
> > response, but it does not change anything.
> > 
> > The application is running on Windows 2000 (SP4). I tried both the 
> > HTTPClient v2.0 (final) and the latest night build (as of yesterday), 
> > but the results are the same. We are using HTTP 1.0 
> > (PostMethod.setHttp11(false)), with the application running on the 
> > same computer as the WMS.
> > 
> > I will appreciate any suggestions about what can be done here.
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > Sofya
> > 
> > Stack trace:
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter PostMethod.renerateRequestBody() 
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
> > EntityEnclosingMethod.renerateRequestBody()
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter getContentCharSet( Header 
> > contentheader ) 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter 
> > HeaderElement.parse(String) 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter 
> > HeaderElement.parsePair(char[], int,
> > int)
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter HeaderElement.parsePair(char[], 
> > int,
> > int)
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - Using buffered request body
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
> > HttpConnection.getRequestOutputStream()
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - Request body sent
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
> > HttpConnection.flushRequestOutputStream()
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter HttpConnection.close()
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
> > HttpConnection.closeSockedAndStreams()
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter HttpConnection.close()
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
> > HttpConnection.closeSockedAndStreams()
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter HttpConnection.close()
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter
> > HttpConnection.closeSockedAndStreams()
> > 08:54:37 DEBUG [Thread-19] - enter HttpConnection.releaseConnection()
> > 08:54:37 ERROR [Thread-19] - I/O exception executing the get data
> > request 'Execute'. 
> > Socket closed
> >     at Method)
> >     at
> >
> >     at
> >
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnection$WrappedOutputStream.write(H
> >
> >     at
> >
> >     at
> >
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnection.flushRequestOutputStream(Ht
> >
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.writeRequest(HttpMethodBase
> > .java:2324)
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.processRequest(HttpMethodBa
> >
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.execute(
> > :1093)
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(
> > 75)
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient.executeMethod(
> > 29)
> >     at
> >
> pbf.travinfo.dcol.CHPDI.AgentLibrary.getSOAPResponse(
> > 48)
> > 
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