Using HttpClient 2.0 JDK 1.4.2_04 on Fedora

Is there anything special that I have to do to make use of persistent HTTP(S) connections with HttpClient other than using MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager ?

Basically, what I am doing is the following ( more explanation after the snippet of the source code ):

   MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager connectionManager =
     new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
   connectionManager.setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled( true );
   connectionManager.setMaxConnectionsPerHost( 10 );
   connectionManager.setMaxTotalConnections( 100 );

   this.httpClient = new HttpClient( connectionManager );
   this.httpClient.setConnectionTimeout( 30000 );
   this.httpClient.setTimeout( 30000 );

.... and then within a thread, the thread does this:

String content;
HttpMethod method;
try {
method = new PostMethod( connectionURL );
method.setDoAuthentication( true );
method.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", contentType + "; charset=" + this.outboundEncoding);
if( method instanceof PostMethod ) {
PostMethod postMethod = (PostMethod) method;
postMethod.setRequestBody( content );
int responseCode = this.httpClient.executeMethod( method );
String response = method.getResponseBodyAsString();
catch( Exception ex ) {}
finally {
if( method != null ) method.releaseConnection();

What I am doing, then, from a JUnit test class, is:

1) Send one HTTP POST to a URL, which works and I get the response.
2) Sleep for 40 seconds ( which is greater than the SO_TIMEOUT of 30 seconds )
3) Send another HTTP POST to the same URL.

What I am seeing with ethereal is that, after 30 seconds of no activity ( no TCP ACKs whatever on the socket ), the web server sends a a TLS alert.
So what actually happens is this:

1) Send one HTTP POST to a URL, which works and I get the response.
2) Sleep for 40 seconds ( which is greater than the SO_TIMEOUT of 30 seconds )
3) Web server sends a TLS alert after 30 seconds of inactivity. Web server sends a TCP FIN, Java sends a TCP ACK _only_ .
4) Wake up from sleep at the 40 second mark, send another HTTP POST to the same URL.
5) Receive a TLS alert instead of a HTTP response. The TLS alert according to JSSE's debug mode is:
main, RECV TLSv1 ALERT: warning, close_notify
main, called closeInternal(false)
main, SEND TLSv1 ALERT: warning, description = close_notify
6) HttpClient throws an HttpRecoverableException, shown below:

org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Error in parsing the status line from the response: unable to find line starting with "HTTP"

Question is, was I correct in initially assuming that MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager should have "handled" this case ? e.g... .detected that the exception, and retried the HTTP POST by creating a new HTTPS socket ?

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