I hope this is an approriate list for this question, if not, please accept my apologies!

I'm running HttpClient 2.0 with j2sdk1.4.2_03.

I'm using HttpClient to access web pages via an http proxy server that needs basic proxy authorization (note: it's the *proxy* that needs auth, not the end-target web server. I add this because I have got confused myself sometimes over this!) I'm debugging my HttpClient-using code by pointing it at a local proxy (I'm running 'Charles') and from this I can see that my request is *not* providing proxy authorization information. If, however, I call:


to enable pre-emptive authorization, my test proxy does receive the authorization. I had no idea that the preeptive authorization also applies to the proxy authorization as the docs don't make this clear (and if this is indeed the case, a clarification in the docs might be handy).

My main question is: if I don't call setAuthenticationPreemptive(true), and if HttpClient tries to use a proxy and receives an HTTP 403 (proxy auth required) message back, will it transparently then give the proxy auth that I have set, or will it just give me the 403 code it received? As far as I can see, it is just giving me the 403 code back, so I don't understand why it doesn't just always give the proxy auth up front as a matter of convenience!

I hope someone can clarify this and thanks for reading!


p.s. I have had no luck at all finding a simple proxy that is runnable under cygwin or windows that will let me enable basic proxy authorization so I can test this. All I know that is my proxy authorization wasn't working in a client's office - I was getting HTTP 403 - despite me setting the proxy auth in my request (but not putting .setAuthenticationPreemptive(true)).

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