Hello Doug,

It is stand alone program, I also felt weird.

in theory, that should disable the debug log.

I will check the cofiguration to see if the program use the right properties file.

many thanks

Darren Jiang

Doug wrote:

darren jiang wrote:

hello all,

I want to disable the httpclient logging. but failed to do so, anyone has the same issue with me?


# HttpClient logging set to be ERROR log4j.category.org.apache.commons=ERROR


the all httpclient logging still go to my logging files.

I tried to change log4j.category to be log4j.logger. but that does not help.

many thanks

darren jiang

Weird.  That works for me.  An exact cut/paste from my file:


What's your environment? Standalone application? J2EE server? Which one?


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