Thanks Oleg. 

"Kalnichevski, Oleg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Query params are part of the request URL and as such can be used with any HTTP method. 
A request body on the other hand can be sent by so called entity enclosing methods 
only (such as POST and PUT). PostMethod.setRequestBody(NameValuePair[]) method takes a 
array of name/value pairs and constructs a request body out of them using URL 
encoding. PostMethod.setQueryString(NameValuePair[]) method can be used to pass 
parameters as a part of the request URL



-----Original Message-----
From: Karthikeyani K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Freitag, 20. August 2004 17:30
Subject: PostMethod setQueryString

What is the difference between invoking setQueryString(NameValuePair[]) and 
setRequestBody(NameValuePair[]) on PostMethod.

When we try to use setQueryString(NameValuePair[]), we are getting the response back.
But when we try to use setRequestBody(NameValuePair[]), we are getting the response 

Does PostMethod.setQueryString(NameValuePair[]) pass parameters in the requestbody? Is 
it similar to PostMethod.setReqeustBody(NameValuePair[]).


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