
this is indee tricky. We had a similar bug here regarding the # character.

Does this help?

Ortwin Glück

Rudolf Kaertner wrote:

Is this a well known behaviour or is this to be considered as a bug?

The at-sign ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is internally used as field separator for the 
so that

when using a login like [EMAIL PROTECTED] for authentication will lead to this
exception, as “domain” is an invalid port number…

Has anybody got an workaround or a solution?

-- _________________________________________________________________ NOSE applied intelligence ag

 ortwin glück                      [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171               [pgp id]           0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich                       [office]      +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland                       [fax]         +41-1-277 57 12

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