
Thanks in advance for those who will be looking into my problem.

I am having difficulty in sending chinese characters via postmethod.

// Create an instance of HttpClient
HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient();

// Create a method instance
PostMethod postmethod = new PostMethod(url);

// Assign parameters into post method
Iterator it = paramList.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
  String paramName = (String) it.next();
      new String(((String) paramList.get(paramName)).getBytes("UTF-8"),"UTF-8"));

With the above codes I succeeded in sending out the postmethod with the list of 
parameters.  But all chinese characters become "?" upon received by back-end.

Therefor I add this:

// Set request header - character set
postmethod.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");

With the above lines added, the back-end server could receive the postmethod request 
but can only find an empty parameter list.

The back-end server is indeed a servlet resided on websphere 5 server.  The codes to 
get the one of the parameter is:

String inXMLMessage = (String) request.getParameter("xmlmessage");

Since the parameter list become empty the above method failed.  Therefore I switched 
to another method - to get the entire request body with input stream and added the 
following codes:

if (inXMLMessage == null)
inXMLMessage = getXMLMessageFromInputStream (request.getInputStream());


public String getXMLMessageFromInputStream (InputStream requestIS) {
  String XMLMessage = "";
    try {
      InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(requestIS, "UTF-8");
      BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(isr);
      XMLMessage = r.readLine();
      XMLMessage = URLDecoder.decode(XMLMessage);
      XMLMessage = XMLMessage.substring(11);
  } catch (Exception ex) {...}
  return XMLMessage;

With the above I succeeded to get the parameter I want, i.e. an xml message, from the 
input stream, but the entire message are "escaped", that is space and tab become "+", 
"<" become "%3C", etc.  Thaz why I need to use URLDecoder .  But the worst part is 
that all chinese charaters become weird codes like 
&aelig;&cedil;&not;&egrave;&copy;&brvbar;, which should be "測試" in traditional 

I am really at my wits end as to what is happening here.  Would somebody throw a light 
upon my proble?  A thousand thanks in advance!

Ramiel Fong

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