I am currently using HttpClient 2.0.2 and trying to create a multi threaded file upload. I have restrictions on the project I can use , therefore I am using HttpClient MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager that is connecting to the same host and I am using HttpClient PostMethod for the upload. I am trying to use the PostMethod as a subclass and overide the WriteRequestBody function to have more control over the upload. However, I am getting and error reading: 'HTTP Version Not Supported' from the status text for the third thread (for the third file that I am trying to upload after the previoius two are complete). The response from the server is not pretty either. I even tried copying the same exact source from the PostMetho class into a new class but I am still getting this error when running the method. I am noticing that the MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager defaults to 2 connections per host, and the manager seems to be blocking my third thread until one of the other two complete. Once one thread is complete and unblocks the next thread, I am unable to upload the next file due to this server error. If I increase the connections per host variable, the upload after the connections per host limit is returning this message. If I just use the PostMethod or MultipartPostMethod, the uploads work fine, but I need more control over the input stream and the upload. Could someone please advise. Thank you for your time,

Nick Jarvis

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