
<BR>you must upgrade your <A HREF="";>Netscape</A>
> or <A HREF="";>Microsoft</A> browser.
> </FORM></TD>
> <TD VALIGN="TOP"><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
> <P>Your browser:<BR>HTTP_USER_AGENT: Jakarta
> Commons-HttpClient/3.0-alpha2</P>

It MIGHT be that the site is intended for use with just specific
browsers. Try disguising HttpClient as IE by using the following
user-agent string "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0)"

HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
  "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0)");

Hope this will solve it


On Sat, 2004-10-02 at 00:18, Burke, Christopher wrote:
> Oleg,
> Again, I appreciate your ongoing help.  I have made the changes
> according to your recommendations in our previous email.
> 1.  Context Logging - Done
> 2.  I was able to GET the secure file, so I am being authenticated
> correctly.  I printed the file to the console.  
> 3.  Still using NTLM.  This is out of our control.
> I have no idea whatsoever.  If anyone can offer some help, I would
> appreciate it.
> Code Snippet:
> NTCredentials creds = new NTCredentials(uid,pwd,host,domain);
> HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
> HttpMethod method = new GetMethod(url);
> client.getState().setCredentials(new AuthScope(host,port), creds);
> int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);
> System.out.println("Status Code 1:  " + statusCode);
> String responseBody = method.getResponseBodyAsString();
> System.out.println("******" + responseBody);
> method.releaseConnection();
> MultipartPostMethod mpPostMethod = new MultipartPostMethod(url);
> mpPostMethod.getParams().setParameter(HttpMethodParams.USE_EXPECT_CONTIN
> UE, new Boolean(true));
> client.getState().setCredentials(new AuthScope(host,port), creds);
> File f = new File("C:/secureHttp/anotherLog.log");
> //mpPostMethod.addParameter("F1",f.getName(),f);
> mpPostMethod.addParameter("F1",f);
> int statusCode2 = client.executeMethod(mpPostMethod);
> System.out.println("****** Status Code 2:  " + statusCode2);
> mpPostMethod.releaseConnection();
> Debug Log:
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:020 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Java version: 1.4.2_05
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:030 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Java vendor: Sun
> Microsystems I
> nc.
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:030 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Java class path:
> .;..;C:\j2sdk1
> .4.2_05\bin;C:\apacheCommons3\commons-httpclient-3.0-alpha2.jar;C:\apach
> eCommons
> \commons-logging-api.jar;C:\apacheCommons\commons-logging.jar;C:\apacheC
> ommons\c
> ommons-codec-1.3.jar
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:030 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Operating system name:
> Windows
> XP
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:030 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Operating system
> architecture:
> x86
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:030 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Operating system
> version: 5.1
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:150 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SUN 1.42: SUN (DSA
> key/paramete
> r generation; DSA signing; SHA-1, MD5 digests; SecureRandom; X.509
> certificates;
>  JKS keystore; PKIX CertPathValidator; PKIX CertPathBuilder; LDAP,
> Collection Ce
> rtStores)
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:150 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SunJSSE 1.42: Sun JSSE
> provider
> (implements RSA Signatures, PKCS12, SunX509 key/trust factories, SSLv3,
> TLSv1)
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:150 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SunRsaSign 1.42: SUN's
> provider
>  for RSA signatures
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:150 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SunJCE 1.42: SunJCE
> Provider (i
> mplements DES, Triple DES, AES, Blowfish, PBE, Diffie-Hellman, HMAC-MD5,
> A1)
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:150 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SunJGSS 1.0: Sun
> (Kerberos v5)
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:160 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> http.usera
> gent = Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0-alpha2
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:160 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> http.proto
> col.version = HTTP/1.1
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:170 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> http.conne
> ction-manager.class = class
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.SimpleHttpConnectionMa
> nager
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:170 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> http.proto
> col.cookie-policy = rfc2109
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:170 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> http.proto
> col.element-charset = US-ASCII
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:170 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> http.proto
> col.content-charset = ISO-8859-1
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:170 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> http.metho
> d.retry-handler =
> 7a37c
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:170 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> http.datep
> arser.patterns = [EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz, EEEE, dd-MMM-yy
> HH:mm:ss zzz, E
> EE MMM d HH:mm:ss yyyy, EEE, dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss z, EEE, dd-MMM-yyyy
> HH-mm-ss z
> , EEE, dd MMM yy HH:mm:ss z, EEE dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss z, EEE dd MMM yyyy
> HH:mm:s
> s z, EEE dd-MMM-yyyy HH-mm-ss z, EEE dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss z, EEE dd MMM yy
> HH:mm:s
> s z, EEE,dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss z, EEE,dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss z, EEE,
> dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm
> :ss z]
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:400 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Adding Host request
> header
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:581 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodDirector - Authorization
> required
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:591 CDT [DEBUG] AuthChallengeProcessor - Supported
> authentic
> ation schemes in the order of preference: [ntlm, digest, basic]
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:591 CDT [INFO] AuthChallengeProcessor - ntlm
> authentication
> scheme selected
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:591 CDT [DEBUG] AuthChallengeProcessor - Using
> authenticatio
> n scheme: ntlm
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:591 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Should close
> connection in
> response to Connection: close
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:591 CDT [DEBUG] HttpConnection - Connection is
> locked.  Call
>  to releaseConnection() ignored.
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:591 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodDirector - Authenticating
> with NTL
> M <any realm>
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:631 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Adding Host request
> header
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:721 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodDirector - Authorization
> required
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:721 CDT [DEBUG] AuthChallengeProcessor - Using
> authenticatio
> n scheme: ntlm
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:721 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Resorting to
> protocol versi
> on default close connection policy
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:721 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Should NOT close
> connection
> , using HTTP/1.1
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:721 CDT [DEBUG] HttpConnection - Connection is
> locked.  Call
>  to releaseConnection() ignored.
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:721 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodDirector - Authenticating
> with NTL
> M <any realm>
> 2004/10/01 16:33:03:981 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Adding Host request
> header
> 2004/10/01 16:33:04:181 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Cookie accepted:
> "$Version=
> Status Code 1:  200
> 2004/10/01 16:33:04:181 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Buffering response
> body
> 2004/10/01 16:33:04:181 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Resorting to
> protocol versi
> on default close connection policy
> 2004/10/01 16:33:04:191 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Should NOT close
> connection
> , using HTTP/1.1
> 2004/10/01 16:33:04:191 CDT [DEBUG] HttpConnection - Releasing
> connection back t
> o connection manager.
> 2004/10/01 16:33:04:191 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Default charset
> used: ISO-8
> 859-1
> ******<HTML><HEAD><TITLE> Site Manager (Upload
> Page)</T
> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="AnyPortal" Site Manager (Upload Page).
> keyston
> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="anyportal, site manager (upload page),
> anyportal
> site manager (upload page), one file footprint,,
> andmore, the
> ANDMORE Companies, Houston, Texas, active server pages, ASP, asp, 100%
> ASP, 100%
>  asp">
> </HEAD>
> FACE="Arial,
> Helvetica, sans-serif"> (<FONT
> FACE="Arial, Helvet
> ica, sans-serif" SIZE=4 COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>&nbsp;Site Manager (Upload
> Page)</B><
> /FONT></TD></TR>
> <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif" SIZE
> =2>Use this page to upload a single document to this web
> site.</FONT></TD></TR>
> </TABLE>
> <!-- begin siteman.asp -->
> <!-- ---------------------------------------------------------- -->
> GN=""TOP"">
> <FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" METHOD="POST"
> ACTION="siteman.asp?u=D&d=c:\i
> m\">
> <FONT SIZE=1 FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">NAME OF DESTINATION
> <FONT SIZE=4 FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><B>c:\im\</B></FONT><P>
> <FONT SIZE=1 FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">PATHNAME OF LOCAL
> NAME="F1"
> ><P>
> <P><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">If the
> <B>[BROWSE...]</B> bu
> tton is not displayed,
> <BR>you must upgrade your <A HREF="";>Netscape</A>
> or <A HREF="";>Microsoft</A> browser.
> </FORM></TD>
> <TD VALIGN="TOP"><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
> <P>Your browser:<BR>HTTP_USER_AGENT: Jakarta
> Commons-HttpClient/3.0-alpha2</P>
> </FONT>
> <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="siteman.asp">
> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="fsDir" VALUE="c:\im\"><BR>
> </FORM>
> </TD></TR></TABLE><P>
> <!-- ---------------------------------------------------------- -->
> <!-- end siteman.asp -->
> <HR><FONT SIZE=1 FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT
> COLOR="#000066" SIZE=
> 3 FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> (<FONT
> &nbsp; 4
> :33:02 PM
> <BR>AnyPortal Site Manager (Upload Page) &copy; Copyright 2004 by <A
> TITLE="www.
> is a project of the ANDMORE Companies -- Houston, Texas"
> HREF="htt
> p://"></A><BR></FONT>
> </BODY></HTML>
> 2004/10/01 16:33:04:201 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> http.proto
> col.expect-continue = true
> 2004/10/01 16:33:04:212 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Adding Host request
> header
> 2004/10/01 16:33:04:252 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - OK to continue
> received
> ****** Status Code 2:  200
> 2004/10/01 16:33:04:322 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Resorting to
> protocol versi
> on default close connection policy
> 2004/10/01 16:33:04:322 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Should NOT close
> connection
> , using HTTP/1.1
> 2004/10/01 16:33:04:322 CDT [DEBUG] HttpConnection - Releasing
> connection back t
> o connection manager.
> Press any key to continue . . .
> Thanks,
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oleg Kalnichevski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 12:42 PM
> To: Commons HttpClient Project
> Subject: RE: HttpClient + HTTPS + NTLM Authentication =
> HTTP/1.1401AccessDenied
> On Thu, 2004-09-30 at 17:14, Burke, Christopher wrote:
> > Oleg,
> > Thanks for your continued help.  I have done a few additional items.
> > First, I have upgraded to HttpClient 3.0 Alpha 2.  Second, I have
> > implemented the 'expect: continue' handshake.  This has not fixed the
> > problem.  
> > 
> > Really no idea what do to know.  
> > 
> Christopher,
> Beat me with a stick, but I have no clue either. This is what I suggest
> (1) Activate content logging (see the logging guide for details)
> to make sure that HttpClient does send the file.
> (2) Consider executing GET or HEAD against a protected URL on the server
> to trigger authentication prior to executing the POST with the payload
> (3) If you have access to the server, consider turning off NTLM
> authentication. Since you use SSL there's no point in using NTLM. Basic
> authentication over SSL is basically as secure as it gets
> Hope this brings you a bit further
> Oleg
> > Code:
> > 
> > NTCredentials creds = new NTCredentials(uid,pwd,host,domain);
> > HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
> > MultipartPostMethod mpPostMethod = new MultipartPostMethod(url);
> > 
> >
> mpPostMethod.getParams().setParameter(HttpMethodParams.USE_EXPECT_CONTIN
> > UE, new Boolean(true));
> > 
> > client.getState().setCredentials(new AuthScope(host,port), creds);
> > 
> > File f = new File("C:\\secureHttp\\anotherLog.log");
> > 
> > mpPostMethod.addParameter("F1",f.getName(),f);
> > //mpPostMethod.addParameter("F1",f);
> > 
> > int statusCode = client.executeMethod(mpPostMethod);
> > 
> > System.out.println("Status Line:  " + mpPostMethod.getStatusLine());
> > System.out.println("Status Code:  " + statusCode);
> > 
> > mpPostMethod.releaseConnection();
> > 
> > Debug Output:
> > 
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:829 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Java version:
> 1.4.2_05
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:829 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Java vendor: Sun
> > Microsystems I
> > nc.
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:829 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Java class path:
> > .;..;C:\j2sdk1
> >
> .4.2_05\bin;C:\apacheCommons3\commons-httpclient-3.0-alpha2.jar;C:\apach
> > eCommons
> >
> \commons-logging-api.jar;C:\apacheCommons\commons-logging.jar;C:\apacheC
> > ommons\c
> > ommons-codec-1.3.jar
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:829 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Operating system
> name:
> > Windows
> > XP
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:829 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Operating system
> > architecture:
> > x86
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:829 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Operating system
> > version: 5.1
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:949 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SUN 1.42: SUN (DSA
> > key/paramete
> > r generation; DSA signing; SHA-1, MD5 digests; SecureRandom; X.509
> > certificates;
> >  JKS keystore; PKIX CertPathValidator; PKIX CertPathBuilder; LDAP,
> > Collection Ce
> > rtStores)
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:949 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SunJSSE 1.42: Sun
> > provider
> > (implements RSA Signatures, PKCS12, SunX509 key/trust factories,
> SSLv3,
> > TLSv1)
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:949 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SunRsaSign 1.42:
> SUN's
> > provider
> >  for RSA signatures
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:949 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SunJCE 1.42: SunJCE
> > Provider (i
> > mplements DES, Triple DES, AES, Blowfish, PBE, Diffie-Hellman,
> > A1)
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:949 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SunJGSS 1.0: Sun
> > (Kerberos v5)
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:949 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> > http.usera
> > gent = Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0-alpha2
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:959 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> > http.proto
> > col.version = HTTP/1.1
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:959 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> > http.conne
> > ction-manager.class = class
> > org.apache.commons.httpclient.SimpleHttpConnectionMa
> > nager
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:959 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> > http.proto
> > col.cookie-policy = rfc2109
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:969 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> > http.proto
> > col.element-charset = US-ASCII
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:969 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> > http.proto
> > col.content-charset = ISO-8859-1
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:969 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> > http.metho
> > d.retry-handler =
> > 7a37c
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:24:969 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> > http.datep
> > arser.patterns = [EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz, EEEE, dd-MMM-yy
> > HH:mm:ss zzz, E
> > EE MMM d HH:mm:ss yyyy, EEE, dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss z, EEE, dd-MMM-yyyy
> > HH-mm-ss z
> > , EEE, dd MMM yy HH:mm:ss z, EEE dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss z, EEE dd MMM
> yyyy
> > HH:mm:s
> > s z, EEE dd-MMM-yyyy HH-mm-ss z, EEE dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss z, EEE dd MMM
> yy
> > HH:mm:s
> > s z, EEE,dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss z, EEE,dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss z, EEE,
> > dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm
> > :ss z]
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:25:029 CDT [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter
> > http.proto
> > col.expect-continue = true
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:25:200 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "POST
> > /carlsontest/siteman.asp?u
> > =Y&d=c:\im\ HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:25:210 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Adding Host
> request
> > header
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:25:220 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "User-Agent: Jakarta
> > Commons-Htt
> > pClient/3.0-alpha2[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:25:220 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Host:
> >
> > [\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:25:220 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Expect:
> > 100-continue[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:25:220 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Content-Length:
> > 965[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:25:220 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Content-Type:
> > multipart/form-da
> > ta; boundary=----------------314159265358979323846[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:27:353 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:357 CDT [INFO] HttpMethodBase - 100 (continue)
> read
> > timeout.
> >  Resume sending the request
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:407 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "HTTP/1.1 401 Access
> > Denied[\r][
> > \n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:417 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Server:
> > Microsoft-IIS/5.0[\r][\
> > n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:417 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Date: Thu, 30 Sep
> 2004
> > 15:05:27
> >  GMT[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:417 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "WWW-Authenticate:
> > Negotiate[\r]
> > [\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:417 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "WWW-Authenticate:
> > NTLM[\r][\n]"
> > 
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:417 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Connection:
> > close[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:417 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Content-Length:
> > 4431[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:417 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Content-Type:
> > text/html[\r][\n]
> > "
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:417 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodDirector - Authorization
> > required
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:457 CDT [DEBUG] AuthChallengeProcessor - Supported
> > authentic
> > ation schemes in the order of preference: [ntlm, digest, basic]
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:457 CDT [INFO] AuthChallengeProcessor - ntlm
> > authentication
> > scheme selected
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:457 CDT [DEBUG] AuthChallengeProcessor - Using
> > authenticatio
> > n scheme: ntlm
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:457 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Should close
> > connection in
> > response to Connection: close
> > 
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:457 CDT [DEBUG] HttpConnection - Connection is
> > locked.  Call
> >  to releaseConnection() ignored.
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:457 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodDirector -
> Authenticating
> > with NTL
> > M <any realm>
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:497 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "POST
> > /carlsontest/siteman.asp?u
> > =Y&d=c:\im\ HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:497 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Adding Host
> request
> > header
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:497 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "User-Agent: Jakarta
> > Commons-Htt
> > pClient/3.0-alpha2[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:497 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Content-Length:
> > 965[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:497 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Authorization: NTLM
> >
> > T[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:507 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Host:
> >
> > [\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:507 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Expect:
> > 100-continue[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:507 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Content-Type:
> > multipart/form-da
> > ta; boundary=----------------314159265358979323846[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:30:537 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:33:532 CDT [INFO] HttpMethodBase - 100 (continue)
> read
> > timeout.
> >  Resume sending the request
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:33:602 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "HTTP/1.1 401 Access
> > Denied[\r][
> > \n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:33:602 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Server:
> > Microsoft-IIS/5.0[\r][\
> > n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:33:602 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Date: Thu, 30 Sep
> 2004
> > 15:05:30
> >  GMT[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:33:602 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "WWW-Authenticate:
> >
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:33:602 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Content-Length:
> > 4033[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:33:602 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Content-Type:
> > text/html[\r][\n]
> > "
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:33:602 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodDirector - Authorization
> > required
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:33:602 CDT [DEBUG] AuthChallengeProcessor - Using
> > authenticatio
> > n scheme: ntlm
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:33:612 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Resorting to
> > protocol versi
> > on default close connection policy
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:33:612 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Should NOT close
> > connection
> > , using HTTP/1.1
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:33:612 CDT [DEBUG] HttpConnection - Connection is
> > locked.  Call
> >  to releaseConnection() ignored.
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:33:612 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodDirector -
> Authenticating
> > with NTL
> > M <any realm>
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:032 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "POST
> > /carlsontest/siteman.asp?u
> > =Y&d=c:\im\ HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:032 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Adding Host
> request
> > header
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:042 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "User-Agent: Jakarta
> > Commons-Htt
> > pClient/3.0-alpha2[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:042 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Content-Length:
> > 965[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:042 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Authorization: NTLM
> >
> > AAElCQU5
> >
> > T4B3ZtGT
> > hmkRbC9Yn+Q==[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:042 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Host:
> >
> > [\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:042 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Expect:
> > 100-continue[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:042 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Content-Type:
> > multipart/form-da
> > ta; boundary=----------------314159265358979323846[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:042 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:072 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "HTTP/1.1 100
> > Continue[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:072 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Server:
> > Microsoft-IIS/5.0[\r][\
> > n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:072 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Date: Thu, 30 Sep
> 2004
> > 15:05:30
> >  GMT[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:072 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "IISExport: This web
> > site was ex
> > ported using IIS Export v3.0[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:072 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - OK to continue
> > received
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:122 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "HTTP/1.1 200
> > OK[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:122 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Server:
> > Microsoft-IIS/5.0[\r][\
> > n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:122 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Date: Thu, 30 Sep
> 2004
> > 15:05:30
> >  GMT[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:122 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "IISExport: This web
> > site was ex
> > ported using IIS Export v3.0[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:122 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Content-Length:
> > 2878[\r][\n]"
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:122 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Content-Type:
> > text/html[\r][\n]
> > "
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:122 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Set-Cookie:
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:122 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Cache-control:
> > private[\r][\n]"
> > 
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:142 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Cookie accepted:
> > "$Version=
> > Status Line:  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> > Status Code:  200
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:142 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Resorting to
> > protocol versi
> > on default close connection policy
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:142 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Should NOT close
> > connection
> > , using HTTP/1.1
> > 2004/09/30 10:05:34:142 CDT [DEBUG] HttpConnection - Releasing
> > connection back t
> > o connection manager.
> > Press any key to continue . . .
> > 
> > Please reply at your earliest convenience.
> > 
> > Chris
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Oleg Kalnichevski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 5:10 PM
> > To: Commons HttpClient Project
> > Subject: RE: HttpClient + HTTPS + NTLM Authentication = HTTP/1.1
> > 401AccessDenied
> > 
> > Christopher,
> > Ok, I see. This is weird. I can't explain it. Maybe I am just too
> tired
> > right now and should go to bed.
> > 
> > Actually it is preferred to not do a POST against a protected URL. One
> > should do a GET or a HEAD first, get authenticated, get a session
> > cookie, and than do a POST.
> > 
> > Another thing to try is turning on 'expect: continue' handshake
> > 
> >
> >
> httpclient/methods/ExpectContinueMethod.html#setUseExpectHeader(boolean)
> > 
> > Oleg
> > 
> > On Wed, 2004-09-29 at 23:59, Burke, Christopher wrote:
> > > Oleg,
> > > Thanks for your prompt response.  The main problem is that the file
> > has
> > > not been uploaded, but the return code is 200.  I am trying to post
> > the
> > > File object 'f' to the 'F1' textbox in the following form (File f =
> > new
> > > File("C:/secureHttp/anotherLog.log");).  I believe my code is
> correct.
> > 
> > > 
> > > I am at a loss.  What could be the problem?  
> > > 
> > > <FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" METHOD="POST"
> > > ACTION="siteman.asp?u=D&d=c:\im\">
> > > <FONT SIZE=1 FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">NAME OF DESTINATION
> > > <FONT SIZE=4 FACE="Arial, Helvetica,
> > sans-serif"><B>c:\im\</B></FONT><P>
> > > <FONT SIZE=1 FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">PATHNAME OF LOCAL
> > SIZE=30
> > > TYPE="FILE" NAME="F1"><P>
> > > <P><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">If the
> > > <B>[BROWSE...]</B> button is not displayed,
> > > <BR>you must upgrade your <A
> > HREF="";>Netscape</A>
> > > or <A HREF="";>Microsoft</A> browser.
> > > </FORM></
> > > 
> > > Thanks again for your help, Oleg.
> > > 
> > > Christopher
> > > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Oleg Kalnichevski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > > Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 4:29 PM
> > > To: Commons HttpClient Project
> > > Subject: Re: HttpClient + HTTPS + NTLM Authentication = HTTP/1.1
> > > 401Access Denied
> > > 
> > > Christopher,
> > > What is exactly the problem? 
> > > 
> > > The authentication succeeded:
> > > HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> > > 
> > > Session cookie has been sent:
> > > 
> > > NTLM authentication scheme is a stateful one and requires multiple
> > > challenges/responses. The first 401 Access Denied response is
> > perfectly
> > > OK. 
> > > 
> > > For details see:
> > >
> > > WARNING: contains utter insanity ;-)
> > > 
> > > Oleg
> > > 
> > > On Wed, 2004-09-29 at 23:10, Burke, Christopher wrote:
> > > > All,
> > > > I need help implementing a Commons HttpClient solution to post
> files
> > > to
> > > > a web server via an ASP page.  This seems somewhat
> straightforward,
> > > but
> > > > I am having trouble with the NTLM authentication.
> > > > 
> > > > Code Snippet:
> > > > String url =
> > > >
> > >
> >
> "\\im\
> > > > \";
> > > > 
> > > > NTCredentials creds = new
> > > >
> > NTCredentials("user","password","","domain");
> > > > HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
> > > > MultipartPostMethod mpPostMethod = new MultipartPostMethod(url);
> > > > 
> > > > client.getState().setCredentials(null, null, creds);
> > > > 
> > > > File f = new File("C:/secureHttp/anotherLog.log");
> > > > 
> > > > //mpPostMethod.addParameter("F1",f.getName(),f);
> > > > mpPostMethod.addParameter("F1",f);
> > > > 
> > > > int statusCode = client.executeMethod(mpPostMethod);
> > > > 
> > > > System.out.println("Status Line:  " +
> mpPostMethod.getStatusLine());
> > > > System.out.println("Status Code:  " + statusCode);
> > > > 
> > > > mpPostMethod.releaseConnection();
> > > > 
> > > > Debug Output:
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:44:425 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Java version:
> > > 1.4.2_05
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:44:425 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Java vendor: Sun
> > > > Microsystems I
> > > > nc.
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:44:425 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Java class path:
> > > > .;..;C:\j2sdk1
> > > >
> > >
> >
> .4.2_05\bin;C:\apacheCommons\commons-httpclient.jar;C:\apacheCommons\com
> > > > mons-log
> > > >
> > >
> >
> ging-api.jar;C:\apacheCommons\commons-logging.jar;C:\apacheCommons\commo
> > > > ns-codec
> > > > -1.3.jar
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:44:425 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Operating system
> > > name:
> > > > Windows
> > > > XP
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:44:425 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Operating system
> > > > architecture:
> > > > x86
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:44:425 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - Operating system
> > > > version: 5.1
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:44:565 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SUN 1.42: SUN
> (DSA
> > > > key/paramete
> > > > r generation; DSA signing; SHA-1, MD5 digests; SecureRandom; X.509
> > > > certificates;
> > > >  JKS keystore; PKIX CertPathValidator; PKIX CertPathBuilder; LDAP,
> > > > Collection Ce
> > > > rtStores)
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:44:565 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SunJSSE 1.42: Sun
> > > JSSE
> > > > provider
> > > > (implements RSA Signatures, PKCS12, SunX509 key/trust factories,
> > > SSLv3,
> > > > TLSv1)
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:44:565 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SunRsaSign 1.42:
> > > SUN's
> > > > provider
> > > >  for RSA signatures
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:44:565 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SunJCE 1.42:
> SunJCE
> > > > Provider (i
> > > > mplements DES, Triple DES, AES, Blowfish, PBE, Diffie-Hellman,
> > > HMAC-MD5,
> > > > HMAC-SH
> > > > A1)
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:44:565 CDT [DEBUG] HttpClient - SunJGSS 1.0: Sun
> > > > (Kerberos v5)
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:45:857 CDT [DEBUG] HttpConnection -
> > > > HttpConnection.setSoTimeout
> > > > (0)
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:45:857 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Execute loop
> > try
> > > 1
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:45:857 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "POST
> > > > /carlsontest/siteman.asp?u
> > > > =Y&d=c:\im\ HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:45:857 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Adding Host
> > > request
> > > > header
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:45:867 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "User-Agent:
> Jakarta
> > > > Commons-Htt
> > > > pClient/2.0.1[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:45:867 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Host:
> > > >
> > > > [\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:45:867 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Content-Length:
> > > > 965[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:45:867 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Content-Type:
> > > > multipart/form-da
> > > > ta; boundary=----------------314159265358979323846[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:037 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:107 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "HTTP/1.1 401
> Access
> > > > Denied[\r][
> > > > \n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:107 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Server:
> > > > Microsoft-IIS/5.0[\r][\
> > > > n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:107 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Date: Wed, 29 Sep
> > > 2004
> > > > 20:53:50
> > > >  GMT[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:107 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "WWW-Authenticate:
> > > > Negotiate[\r]
> > > > [\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:107 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "WWW-Authenticate:
> > > > NTLM[\r][\n]"
> > > > 
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:107 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Connection:
> > > > close[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:107 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Content-Length:
> > > > 4431[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:107 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Content-Type:
> > > > text/html[\r][\n]
> > > > "
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:107 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Authorization
> > > > required
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:117 CDT [DEBUG] HttpAuthenticator -
> > Authenticating
> > > > with the
> > > > default authentication realm at
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:117 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase -
> > > > HttpMethodBase.execute(): S
> > > > erver demanded authentication credentials, will try again.
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:127 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Should close
> > > > connection in
> > > > response to Connection: close
> > > > 
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:127 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Execute loop
> > try
> > > 2
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:127 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Opening the
> > > > connection.
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:167 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "POST
> > > > /carlsontest/siteman.asp?u
> > > > =Y&d=c:\im\ HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:167 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Request to
> add
> > > Host
> > > > header
> > > > ignored: header already added
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:167 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "User-Agent:
> Jakarta
> > > > Commons-Htt
> > > > pClient/2.0.1[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:167 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Host:
> > > >
> > > > [\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:167 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Content-Length:
> > > > 965[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:167 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Authorization:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > TWVNURU1
> > > > T[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:167 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Content-Type:
> > > > multipart/form-da
> > > > ta; boundary=----------------314159265358979323846[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:217 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:328 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "HTTP/1.1 401
> Access
> > > > Denied[\r][
> > > > \n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:328 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Server:
> > > > Microsoft-IIS/5.0[\r][\
> > > > n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:328 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Date: Wed, 29 Sep
> > > 2004
> > > > 20:53:50
> > > >  GMT[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:328 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "WWW-Authenticate:
> > > NTLM
> > > > TlRMTVNT
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > AAEAEgBJ
> > > >
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:328 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Content-Length:
> > > > 4033[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:328 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Content-Type:
> > > > text/html[\r][\n]
> > > > "
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:328 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Authorization
> > > > required
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:328 CDT [DEBUG] HttpAuthenticator -
> > Authenticating
> > > > with the
> > > > default authentication realm at
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:628 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase -
> > > > HttpMethodBase.execute(): S
> > > > erver demanded authentication credentials, will try again.
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:628 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Resorting to
> > > > protocol versi
> > > > on default close connection policy
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:628 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Should NOT
> > close
> > > > connection
> > > > , using HTTP/1.1.
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:628 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Execute loop
> > try
> > > 3
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:628 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "POST
> > > > /carlsontest/siteman.asp?u
> > > > =Y&d=c:\im\ HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:638 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Request to
> add
> > > Host
> > > > header
> > > > ignored: header already added
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:638 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "User-Agent:
> Jakarta
> > > > Commons-Htt
> > > > pClient/2.0.1[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:638 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Host:
> > > >
> > > > [\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:638 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Content-Length:
> > > > 965[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:638 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Authorization:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > AAElCQU5
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > 2RSOZkzf
> > > > ILnVSU4p+Ow==[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:638 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "Content-Type:
> > > > multipart/form-da
> > > > ta; boundary=----------------314159265358979323846[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:648 CDT [DEBUG] header - >> "[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:698 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "HTTP/1.1 100
> > > > Continue[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:698 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Server:
> > > > Microsoft-IIS/5.0[\r][\
> > > > n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:698 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Date: Wed, 29 Sep
> > > 2004
> > > > 20:53:50
> > > >  GMT[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:698 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "IISExport: This
> web
> > > > site was ex
> > > > ported using IIS Export v3.0[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:698 CDT [INFO] HttpMethodBase - Discarding
> > > > unexpected respon
> > > > se: HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:708 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "HTTP/1.1 200
> > > > OK[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:708 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Server:
> > > > Microsoft-IIS/5.0[\r][\
> > > > n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:708 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Date: Wed, 29 Sep
> > > 2004
> > > > 20:53:50
> > > >  GMT[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:708 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "IISExport: This
> web
> > > > site was ex
> > > > ported using IIS Export v3.0[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:708 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Content-Length:
> > > > 2873[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:708 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Content-Type:
> > > > text/html[\r][\n]
> > > > "
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:708 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Set-Cookie:
> > > > R=LMNNMHNALPPKIBENMNNANHGP; path=/[\r][\n]"
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:708 CDT [DEBUG] header - << "Cache-control:
> > > > private[\r][\n]"
> > > > 
> > > > 2004/09/29 15:53:46:738 CDT [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Cookie
> > accepted:
> > > > "$Version=
> > > > Status Line:  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> > > > Status Code:  200
> > > > Press any key to continue . . .
> > > > 
> > > > Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.  
> > > > 
> > > > Best regards,
> > > > 
> > > > Chris
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >
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