2009/11/9 Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijs...@gmail.com>:
> Hoi,
> According to the statistics, the traffic of Commons grew last month by 35%
> to 268 M. This makes it in traffic bigger then the German Wikipedia.. The
> German Wikipedia is our third biggest Wikipedai... Does anybody have a clue
> what is happening. Is there a potential for a similar sized growth next
> month ??

The report from Paris earlier today mentioned that global usage
details are now becoming available for Commons images. Might this have
some kind of impact on the Commons usage statistics - has it altered
the way they're calculated in any way?


Alternatively, it might just be a statistical blip. Wikisource jumped
by 60% in September and then reverted; Wikispecies had a similar jump
and fall in March. de.wp, looking more widely, did the same last
December. We'll know for sure next month :-)

- Andrew Gray

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