Am I alaone in completely failing to understand what the fuss is about?
The image is not pornographic, exploitative, illegal or otherwise 
inapropriate for featured picture status.

If you want to any keep images off the main page that are "sexy", 
"pornographic", "offensive" or any other arbitrary label you wish to 
choose, please start by defining in a neutral, objective and culturally 
independent manner every such label you want to use.
Secondly, please explain how this is compatible with Commons being not 
Thirdly, please define precisely what it is you are trying to achieve and 
why. Please do so in an objective and culturally independent manner.
Fourthly, explain why this needs to be done with reference facts and 
evidence. Please explain how this is a cross-cultural issue.
Fifthly, please explain how your proposal would help achieve what you are 
trying to achieve. Please be specific and give facts and evidence.
Sixthly, please demonstrate that this is compatible with Common's mission 
and it will not impact it's goal. If other policies need changing please 
repeat steps 4 and 5 for each such policy.
Seventhly, gain consensus for your proposal.

So far in this debate the only thing I've seen is vauge statements that 
boil down to "we should not have images of female toplessness on the main 
page because there is a gender gap", "My grandfather wouldn't like it" and 
"Think of the children"

The second two of these are "I don't like it" reasons and deserve no 
further consideration.
None of them make any attempt at points 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, or 7. The first 
reason "because there is a gender gap" doesn't explain why this is 
relevant to the image.

Commons has featured pictures that will be offensive to many different 
people in many different cultures. Please explain why this is any more an 
issue for this image than

or any other image you care to mention.

Please explain how your comments are neutral and take into account the 
sensitivities of all cultures and special interest groups, not just your 


Chris McKenna

The essential things in life are seen not with the eyes,
but with the heart

Antoine de Saint Exupery

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