  Thanks for the reply and helpful information.
  >>If user is the root level, then you've not got a lot of object in the
  >>map :-)
  Yeah, actually, I did have a single file with multiple users listed  within 
it as you had suggested, but I later changed the design so that  each user 
would have his own XML file.  Part of the reason for  that is because I'm also 
using Betwixt to save objects as XML.   Just seemed a bit easier to split the 
users apart into separate files.
  >>The best solution would be to simply *not* use a map.
  >>   private Map<Users> userMap = new HashMap<Users>();
  Can you clarify that for me?  The "<Users>" notation next to  the Map and 
HashMap classnames is throwing me off, although I think it  just means that 
they would be storing User instances.
  >>Unfortunately, invoking a custom rule when using the xmlrules module
  >>isn't easy.
  Yeah, I was afraid of that.  I really wanted to avoid "defining  the rules", 
so-to-speak, within the code.  Right now I have a  generic method in which the 
Digester is fed a "source" XML file along  with the "rules" XML file that 
corresponds to it and parsing happens  from there.
  private void process(String xmlFilename, String xmlRulesFilename) {
          URL xml = null, rules = null;
          try {
              File f = new File(xmlFilename);
              xml = f.toURL();
              rules = this.getClass().getResource(xmlRulesFilename);
              Digester digester = DigesterLoader.createDigester(rules);
              // parse the info
          } catch (SAXParseException e) {
  Anyway, thanks again for the suggestions and help.

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