On 6/19/06, Robert J. Carr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for the quick response.

You can attribute that to me being in a brief break between employers right
now. ;-)

The one written automatically (upload_0000002.xml) is correct (about
>> 1MB); a copy of the file I uploaded.
> Are you sure that's the name of the file being written? It doesn't match
> the
> pattern for temp files created by FileUpload, so I'm not sure where that
> would be coming from.

Wow, that's really strange.  I'm sure that is the filename (just double
checked) and I'm sure I'm not writing it (just double checked it) and
I'm sure it is being written during the upload process (again, just
double checked).  I have the relatively recent 1.1.1 version of the
software.  I don't know what to say ... could it have something to do
with the portal / portlet layer?  It is possible there is already code
in there that automatically parses the request and writes the file if it
  determines a file upload?  I'll look into this now ... for reference,
I'm using Liferay Pro 3.6.1.

A quick Google shows that Liferay does in fact incorporate Commons
FileUpload, so this is very likely the source of the problems.

Martin Cooper

1) If I'm setting the 'setSizeThreshold()' large enough, why is it
>> *still* writing out a temp file to disk?  Is this normal?
> Nope. Are you sure you're setting the threshold on the factory before
> calling parseRequest?

Yep, I'm sure ... but now I'm convinced it is the portal that is doing
strange things.

> That's a Javadoc error that I've now fixed. Thanks for pointing it out.


> It's the parseRequest call that writes temp files to disk when
> Pretty much nothing interesting happens outside of the parseRequest

Okay, thanks again ... I'll look into portal issues now, thanks again
for the quick response.


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