I'm a new user of JXPath and it works great but I am concerned about the
performance of the Map access as it obtains the keys before it then
selects the key it wants to get the value for.

This is OK if the data is in memory, still poor really, but in my case
some of the Maps are facades that actually represent relationship
traversal between tables in a database - i.e. the Map.keySet() method
actually requires a SELECT from the database. Logically all that is
required is a call to Map.get(Object key) but the DynamicPropertyHandler
doesn't support this way of working.

Am I missing something here or does it really work this way as my tests

Is it possible to write JXPath expressions that do key->value lookup on
Map objects some other way?

Is it possible for me to register some extension with the context that
would allow this to be processed more efficiently?

- Dean

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