On Tue, 2006-06-27 at 17:26 +0200, Nicolas De Loof wrote:
> Hello guys,
> My app recieves an  XML doc that is parsed using commons-digester. As a 
> digester instance is not thread-safe, I have to build a new digester on 
> every incoming request based on my rules file.
> Is there a way to create a "template" digester from rules and to "clone" 
> for a specific thread, to avoid parsing the rules on each request ?
> Or is it better to use a digester pool ?

A pool of Digester instances isn't a good idea. Digester instances
aren't "reusable" as described in the documentation; see also the FAQ
entry about reusing instances:

And unfortunately I don't know of any way to cache the set of rules
generated from an xmlrules file. You can certainly read the xmlrules
file into memory as a string, and wrap that in an InputSource so that
the xmlrules parsing at least doesn't have to do file I/O.  However
beyond that I don't know of any performance optimisations available.



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