> So basicly I was wondering if it would be possible to change VFS to easily
> "skip" the caching process when resolving file, but merely request next
> entry from zip or any other file.
It would be great to check where the time is really lost, I dont think
its a caching issue.

The problem might be, that VFS uses a two pass strategy to handle zip
files, one to create the toc and then to extract these files, now
extracting them not in the same order like they are stored might issue a
big performance impact.

Hmmm .... without a big debugging session I am not sure how to solve
this. I'll see if I find some time for this - or maybe you can step in
here? At least where the time will be lost will be great.

Anyway, please open a jira ticket for this at http://issues.apache.org/jira



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