

  A rather general query (sorry!). I have previously used the Commons
Net FTP Ant task in client software, which FTPed reasonably large
numbers of files over the Internet (I know, I know - I was constrained
to use this at the time!).


One of the problems was fairly frequent IOExceptions, presumably due to
network issues and FTP disconnects. We are looking to move to SFTP
transfers via Commons VFS, both for the obvious security and, hopefully,
to minimise any similar network problems.


So the question is really whether the second benefit will materialise.
Does the Commons VFS code have any built-in auto-reconnects or anything
similar (a la most decent SFTP clients)? Am I likely to see increased
stability of file transfers (esp. with the encryption overhead)?


In fact, I noted that someone had proposed adding some auto reconnect
logic to Ant for the FTP task
(http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=27883) but don't
think this ever got implemented. How did the VFS developers approach
this angle??


Apologies for the generality, but didn't seem to be covered elsewhere.


Regards,  Stuart



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