On Sun, 2006-07-16 at 09:53 +0100, Abhijit Akhawe wrote:
> Hi,
> Digester has a constructor that takes in SAXParser as an argument. I am
> trying to use this to pass a SAXParser that is XInclude aware. For some
> reason this is not working the way I want to.
> My basic requirement is to parse a document that spawns across multiple
> files with the same set of a single rules file. For some reason either the
> modified SAXParser is not being used or its neglecting XInclude tag.
> Is there someone who has tried this or can someone help me with this?

If you pass a sax parser to the Digester constructor, then it will
definitely use that object.

I don't know much about xinclude, but I do know that Digester doesn't
explicitly handle xinclude tags. All that digester cares about are the
SAX callbacks that the parser invokes on it.

If the parser's xinclude processing is totally "transparent" to the
ContentHandler then Digester should handle things fine. If there is
something explicit that needs to be done by the content handler, then
digester will need to be enhanced to handle this.

Can you provide a link to info about this "xinclude-aware" parser you
are using?



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