In the meantime, I could track down what happend:
I set AbstractConfiguration.setDelimiter('0') as mentioned
in the Java Doc, not realizing that this would set the delimiter to char 0 (zero). Check the documentation at

== Snippet from java doc:
value can contain value delimiters and will then be interpreted as a
list of tokens. Default value delimiter is the comma ','. So the
following property definition

  key = This property, has multiple, values
will result in a property with three values. You can change the value
delimiter using the AbstractConfiguration.setListDelimiter(char) method.
Setting the delimiter to 0 will disable value splitting completely.
== Snippet end.

I had to do that because I migrated from java.util.Properties and had already a mechanism in place that filled lists into ArrayLists.
When I set the delimiting character to ^H, I had what I wanted.

I'm currently using Commons Configuraion 1.2.


Ah, I see. The "0" in the documentation means a numeric 0, i.e. '\0'. Will see, if I can make this clearer.


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