On 9/15/06, Jon Brule <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for your quick response, Rahul.

My intent with the TaskRouter state is to take a generic inbound event
and automatically pass it on to a the appropriate handling state. For
example, if the event "view_employee_requests" is thrown on the way
into the PerformReportTask_OUTBOUND, then I want to automatically
transition to the ViewEmployeeRequests state.

You do not have to point to the composite state and go through the
initial to reach a descendant state, you can directly point to a
descendant state as the target. Given the above information, history
is probably not particularly relevant here.


My thought was to use
the TaskRouter state in conjunction with a condition to perform this
transition. If I cannot access the inbound event name through a
condition, can I use history in a similar role? I thought that history
would preserve the substate the PerformReportTask_OUTBOUND stat was
last in. Or can I use a history from the state that generated the
"view_employee_requests" event?

I will go review the SCXML specification regarding history...

Thanks again,

> >     <state id="PerformReportTask_OUTBOUND">
> >       <initial>
> >         <transition target="TaskRouter"/>
> >       </initial>
> >       <state id="TaskRouter">
> >         <transition target="ViewEmployeeRequests" cond="_eventdata.id =
> > 'view_employee_requests'"/>
> Suggest using eq instead of equal sign in condition for readability.
> >         <transition target="GetErrorDetail" cond="_eventdata.id =
> > 'get_error_detail_report'"/>
> >       </state>
> >       <state id="ViewEmployeeRequests" final="true"/>
> >       <state id="GetErrorDetail">
> >         <transition event="error_detail_retrieved"
> > target="RenderErrorDetail"/>
> >       </state>
> >       <state id="RenderErrorDetail" final="true"/>
> >       <transition event="PerformReportTask_OUTBOUND.done"
> > target="RenderReport"/>
> >     </state>
> >
> >   </scxml>

> No, _eventdata is just the event payload. If you find yourself wanting
> the event name, there is probably a better approach (such as
> <history>). Why do you need the event name?

Jon Brule

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