On 27 Sep 2006, at 22:23, Torgeir Veimo wrote:

I'm trying to use digester for parsing xml that were previously parsed with jaxb 1.0-ea. Some of the content is xhtml fragments inside xml, eg.


and I'd like to retrieve the content as a String bean property. However, I'd like the parser to threat the content of body-text as opaque. Now it tries to parse it and chokes on eg. &oslash; entities.

Any clues on how I can configure digester, or more precisely, the underlying parser, to avoid these problems?

FYI, previously with jaxb, I was using this DTD:

<!ELEMENT article (title, lead-text?, body-text, ...)>
    <!ATTLIST article ... >

<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT lead-text (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT body-text (#PCDATA)>

Torgeir Veimo

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