> This is what the output displays.... message 425 takes about 20
> seconds to display... Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!!!!

> 230 Login successful. Have fun.
> 425 Failed to establish connection.
> 221 Goodbye.

For me this is a problem with your (or the other side) firewall
Sometimes a firewall do not support "active" ftp connections.
You can try to use f.enterLocalPassiveMode() (or so, sorry, I do not
remember the correct syntax yet).
This way commons-net will try to use passive ftp data connections which
might have more success bypassing a firewall.

But ... this has nothing to do with commons-vfs, do you try to use
commons-net through commons-vfs (using a ftp filesystem)?
Then there is a FtpFileSystemConfigBuilder which allows you to
setPassiveMode(opts, true).
If you need more support with this, just ask again.


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