Ivan Kovalenko wrote:
Hi, this is my first time appearance here.

There are two questions i'd like to ask
1. "interpolateMethods"
   i've come across a problem where i want to get a configuration
   being finally interpollated. I mean that, after being interpolated
   this configuration stops update other keys when source key changed.
   I think, its more comfortable method that have static interpolate
   against object which is single and is not bulk. Will be such
   feature included into the next release?
I am not sure if I understand what you mean by this. Do you mean a method, which replaces all ${} variables in all properties by their current values at once?

2. When working with interpolation subsets usage occassionaly breaks
up any interpolation, becouse interpolation is defined by absolute
path for a property, and subset is chrooting interpolation. Is it a bug
or a feature?.
Well, it may be that interpolation in subsets is not always handled in a consistent way. Do you have any concrete examples or test cases where interpolation does not work as expected? I will then have a look.


Thanx in advance

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