I've encountered what I believe to be a bug in commons-pool.

I'm using the GenericObjectPool and a PoolableObjectFactory.

The GenericObjectPool works as expected and documented in that my
implementation of the PoolableObjectFactory is called according to the

1. makeObject is called whenever a new instance is needed. 
2. activateObject is invoked on every instance before it is returned
from the pool. 
3. passivateObject is invoked on every instance when it is returned to
the pool. 
4. destroyObject is invoked on every instance when it is being "dropped"
from the pool (whether due to the response from validateObject, or for
reasons specific to the pool implementation.) 
5. validateObject is invoked in an implementation-specific fashion to
determine if an instance is still valid to be returned by the pool. It
will only be invoked on an "activated" instance. 

I've set the minimum idle instances to 5 and when the pool goes below 5
instances, new objects are created to reach the minimum. 

The problem is that the life-cycle is not followed in that 
makeObject is called on the PoolFactory and then validateObject -
activateObject is never called. 

The interface doc for validateObject stipulates that it will only be
invoked on "activated" objects.

I looked at the GenericObjectPool class and it appears that
ensureMinIdle() creates the new objects required by calling addObject()
but when it calls addObjectToPool() the newly created object is never
activated before it is validated.

I'm using the following pool config:

poolConfig.maxWait        = 5000;
poolConfig.maxActive      = 100;
poolConfig.minIdle        = 5;
poolConfig.maxIdle        = 50;
poolConfig.testOnBorrow   = true;
poolConfig.testOnReturn   = true;
poolConfig.testWhileIdle  = true;
poolConfig.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis  = 15000;
poolConfig.whenExhaustedAction = GenericObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW;

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