On 10/24/06, Ken at Inbox256 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sorry if this message is a duplicate, the spam filter keeps sending back my

Because validwhen only gives me one AND or OR, I've put in my own pluggable

In replacing validwhen, my depends attribute changed from:
  <field property="set_oid" depends="validwhen,mask">
  <field property="set_oid" depends="validactiontype,mask">

But mask will always get called first when using my homegrown

It seems that pluggable validators will get called after the built-in
Can anyone confirm this?

No I don't believe this is the case. Also there is no such concept as
"built-in" validators in terms of the "framework" aspect of Commons
Validator. In fact the "validwhen" validator you cite is a Struts
validator and nothing to do with Commons Validator - the same is true
for all the "default" validators shipped with Struts - they're all in
the Struts FieldChecks class and "plugged in" to Commons Validator.

Could you post what you're using to configure your custom validator?
Also maybe you could post the "evidence" you're using to come to the
conclusions you have.



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