Found one typo. Still looking.

Please ignore.


Garth Keesler wrote:
I finally got a server correctly running DBCP so I thought it would be a good idea to duplicate it on a new server, recording all of the steps it took to get it running. The two servers appear identical, including jar files in common/lib and similar web.xml, except for server name. No errors appear in the Tomcat logs when starting. Prob is, I consistently get "javax.naming.NamingException: Cannot create resource instance" on the new server when invoking the web service that uses DBCP. This exception occurs in the code where the service is attempting to set the context, create the DataSource, and make a connection to the database. I've obviously missed something during the installation of the new server but I can't figure it out. Googling hasn't been any help either.

Does this error indicate something obvious or do I just need to keep digging?


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