On Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 02:48:51PM -0600, Bill Dubin wrote:
> My only motivation for this question is to learn and understand this stuff
> better.  Thank you for any explanation you can provide!!  I do appreciate
> any assistance or lessons!!

If anything should be learned form this, or similar, threads it is that
however much we might think we know about how a piece of code will work
at a low level and which will use the most processor cycles etc, we
should write the code which is semantically correct and maintainable
and, if it is needed, optimise after profilling.

It would be interesting to see if the other version was written
independatly from the commons version or as an attempt at optimisation
and if the later, wether it needs to be optimised and whether the
semantic differences were intentional.


Andrew Shirley, Client Services        DecisionSoft Limited
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