Thomas Eichstädt-Engelen wrote:
> Hi,
> i am using commons-configuration with constantly growing enthusiasm. Thank 
> you for this great job!
> And here is my problem:
> Using the configurationAt(key) throws an IllegalArgumentException because the 
> given key is ambiguous. That is correct because it is overriden and added 
> twice hence. It tried the workaround to create a combined node via 
> getRootNode(). It worked but in this case all the e.g. configured 
> ReloadingStratety disappears because i had to create a new XmlConfiguration.
> Would it make sense to overload the configurationAt method in 
> CombinedConfiguration to support such a behaviour? Or (and that could be 
> really possible) didn't i understand the concept of the CombinedConfiguration 
> exactly.
> Kind regards,
> Thomas E.-E.
I think I do not fully understand your problem. Which key do you pass to
the configurationAt() method? Is it not possible to make this key more
specific (e.g. by adding an index), so that it points to a single
configuration only?

Or could you provide a more detailed example with such an overridden
bean declaration that causes ambigous keys?


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