Hi There,
I have a set of nested classes which model a payment transaction. The
nesting is like this:
- OrderInformation
- CustomerCredentials
- MerchantCredentials
- PaymentInformation
They're fairly standard classes and contain nothing more complex than
standard String and Integers (int and String).
Running the class through "Betwixt" to make XML gives me:
etc etc
...as you'd expect. It's not a large file; there's no attributes apart
from the "version = '1.0'" on the <?xml ?> prolog. The file's about 30
lines long.
The setup I am running under is this:
Sun Java Application Server running a Java EE web service
Paste the output of the XML above into the ?Tester application
Wait to see what result I get
I've tested the results and if I deliberately do something silly,
Betwixt throws an appropriate error. It's not its error handling that
worries me.
It takes SJAS, Betwixt or my Java about 15-30 seconds to process the
XML. Whilst I understand that Betwixt uses Java introspection and quite
possibly does a _lot_ of XML processing, processing a simple payment
transaction set of classes shouldn't, in my opinion, take so long.
As to the hardware I'm running this on:
Sun Solaris Community Express (ON 54)
Sun Java 1.5.0_08
Intel Pentium D945 / 2Gb of RAM
- The Global Zone can use all memory and all CPU and has at least 1/2 a
gig of memory free at all times during the tests
- During processing, the two cores go to minimum of 70% usage
- CPU fans start to spin but there does appear to be minor disk usage
when the test is going
- this appears as swap, which in Solaris means that /tmp is
overflowing or memory use has a very sudden spike
- it doesn't appear to be "seriously" excessive
- vmstat, iostat don't show anything too bizarre whilst test runs
I probably need to be more precise but does thirty seconds for Betwixt
to parse a set of nested classes each with an avg. of 4 fields each
sound a little excessive, given the hardware and OS I've described?
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