I want to Convert String[] to a java.util.Set


This is my User bean


 public class User extends org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm {


     private String name;

     private Set values;


     public String getName() {

         return name;



     public void setName( String name) {

         this.name = name;



     public Set getValues() {

         return values;



     public void setValues(Set values) {

         this.values = values;




My struts form


<html:form action="/post">

     <html:text property="name"/>


     <html:select property="values" multiple="true">

         <html:option value="1"/>

         <html:option value="2"/>

         <html:option value="3"/>

         <html:option value="4"/>

         <html:option value="5"/>


       <html:submit />





Thanks in advance




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