BeanUtils uses the Introspector (core java) to populate your beans. It will use 
your setXs(index, object) and getXs(index) methods if you supply them (see
 Since HashSet does not guarantee the order of your set will remain constant, 
I'd use a java.util.LinkedHashSet if I was you.

If you provide the implementation for the following methods, you should be fine.

public class Role extends ValidatorActionForm  {
   private Set users = new LinkedHashSet();

   public Set getUsers() {}
   public void setUsers(Set users) {}
   public String getUsers(int index) {}
   public void setUsers(int index, String user) {}

Another simpler option is to use a List or an array on your form and move it to 
a Set when you process it in your middle tier.

-----Original Message-----
From: Abbas Adel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 02 February 2007 23:55
Subject: Struts+Hibernate many-to-many mismatch



I have 2 hibernate entities, user & role, with many-to-many relation. I also
use them as form beans.



public class User extends ValidatorActionForm {


   private int UID;

   private String username;

   private String password;

   private String name;

   private String email;

   private Set roles;




public class Role extends ValidatorActionForm  {


   private int RID;

   private String name;

   private Set users;





I created a simple Struts form to insert new user



<html:form action="/InsertUser" method="post">

            Username:  <html:text property="username" />

            Password:   <html:password property="password" />

            Name:          <html:text property="name" />

            Email:           <html:text property="email" />


           <html:select property="roles" multiple="true"> 

                <html:optionsCollection name="roles" label="name"
value="RID" />






When I run this form, struts complains [i]"argument type mismatch" [/i]
because it doesn't know how to convert the roles property, which is
String[], into java.util.Set


I had to write my own BeanUtil type convertor to convert from String[] to


public class RolesListConverter extends AbstractArrayConverter  {


    public Object convert(Class type, Object value) {


        try {

            List list = parseElements(value.toString());

            String results[] = new String[list.size()];

            Set results = new HashSet(list.size());

            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

                results[i] = (String) list.get(i);

                results.add(Role (Integer.parseInt((String)list.get(i))));


            return (results);

        } catch (Exception e) {

            if (useDefault) {

                return (defaultValue);

            } else {

                throw new ConversionException(value.toString(), e);







Then struts didn't complain but the roles Set was populated with 1 role only
regardless of how many roles were selected.

I gave a closer look at to
see how it works. I found this:


else if (type.isArray()) {         // Indexed value into array

            if (value instanceof String) {

                newValue = getConvertUtils().convert((String) value,


            } else if (value instanceof String[]) {

               newValue = getConvertUtils().convert(((String[]) value)[0],



Because java.util.Set is not an array "Set.class.isArray() return false"
then treat the "String[] value" as a single-value array "value[0]"


So, what do you suggest to force struts to convert String[] to Set?


Thanks in advance


Student @ Menufia University




if (type.isArray() && (index < 0)) { // Scalar value into array

            if (value == null) {

                String values[] = new String[1];

                values[0] = (String) value;

                newValue = getConvertUtils().convert((String[]) values,

            } else if (value instanceof String) {

                String values[] = new String[1];

                values[0] = (String) value;

                newValue = getConvertUtils().convert((String[]) values,

            } else if (value instanceof String[]) {

                newValue = getConvertUtils().convert((String[]) value,

            } else {

                newValue = value;


        } else if (type.isArray()) {         // Indexed value into array

            if (value instanceof String) {

                newValue = getConvertUtils().convert((String) value,

            } else if (value instanceof String[]) {

1004                newValue = getConvertUtils().convert(((String[])
value)[0], type.getComponentType());

            } else {

                newValue = value;


        } else {                             // Value into scalar

            if ((value instanceof String) || (value == null)) {

                newValue = getConvertUtils().convert((String) value, type);

            } else if (value instanceof String[]) {

                newValue = getConvertUtils().convert(((String[]) value)[0],

            } else if (getConvertUtils().lookup(value.getClass()) != null) {

                newValue = getConvertUtils().convert(value.toString(),type);

            } else {

                newValue = value;





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