Hello All,
I'm running into the classic "pool exhausted" problem.  Every 36 hours or so, 
we hit the wall on our BasicDataSource.  But in this case, we *are* closing our 
connections.  In fact, we've implemented several checks to make sure all 
connections are released.
I've exhausted all of our avenues so I'm hoping that someone can shed some 
light or at least point us in a new direction to try.
We have a two app servers, both running Tomcat 5.0.28 (includes dbcp-1.2.1).  
We have one database server, running MySQL 5.0.x.  The two tomcat servers are 
configured identically and running the same code in a clustered environment.  
We are using the Spring Framework in the application to load a BasicDataSource. 
 The configuration of it looks like:
driverClassName -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
maxActive -> 100
maxIdle -> 5
maxWait -> 10000
minEvictableIdleTimeMillis -> 5000 
timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis -> 5000 
defaultAutoCommit -> false 
removeAbandoned -> true
removeAbandonedTimeout -> 300
logAbandoned -> true
If you'll notice, we have the removeAbandoned feature working.  From the docs, 
I believe that guarantees that any unclosed connection will be closed and 
reported.  For my sanity's sake I verified our server logs that it is using 
those settings and found:
AbandonedObjectPool is used ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   LogAbandoned: true
   RemoveAbandoned: true
   RemoveAbandonedTimeout: 300
Now after production has been running for about 24 hours, one of the app 
servers has skewed its active connections to up around 78 connections.  It has 
been holding steady at 70 connections since this morning.  (I'm inspecting 
these values through JMX)  However, there are only 10 active sessions for the 
application on that server!  Then, when I examine the database's active 
connections, it reports only 27 connections open for that app server.  (Also, 
it has been holding steady at around 20 connections all day)  That seems like a 
strange disconnect!
And finally, I search through the entire logs for our runaway app server.  I 
search both the custom log file of our application, and catalina.out of tomcat. 
 I'm looking for a statement from removeAbandoned about unclosed connections 
DBCP object created 2007-02-06 17:30:50 by the following code was never closed:
However, this statement (only searching on "DBCP object") never appears in our 
log files.  So it appears that we are indeed being responsible with our db 
connections.  It should be noted that we also have custom code that reports any 
connections that are still active after a timeout of X minutes.  Essentially, 
its the same as the configuration to track abandoned connections.  We added 
this code before we found the nice configuration options above.
I've attached a screen shot that shows the MySQL Admin connections screen 
overlaid on JConsole.  JConsole is showing both app servers and the graph of 
their active connections.  Both servers have not been rebooted since yesterday 
Please Help!  We are desperate!  We have been trying to troubleshoot this 
problem for the past 2 months.
Kind Regards,
P.S. - though the current screen shot shows only one app server exhibiting the 
problem, it is not limited to one or the other and sometimes both servers hit 
the limit at close to the same time.  Also, the top graph in the screen shot is 
not normalized to the one in the bottom.  Unfortunately, JConsole died on me 
and I had to restart that server's connection.
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